Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My New Instrument

When meeting me for the first time, I am often asked by people that know Brian if I have any musical talent.  After all, I am married to a music teacher who knows how to play all manner of instruments. Since his youth, his days were spent playing his beloved french horn and even singing in the chorus. So naturally, people think that surely this talented musician must have gravitated toward one who shares similar interests.

When people ask me such a question, I can't help but laugh and admit, with a little self-deprecation, that I have no such ability whatsoever when it comes to music.  I do not know how to play any instruments; I can't even read music.  And heaven help me, but I do try to sing softly in church that I might not scare any of the congregation standing near.

Poor Brian- because I got the better end of the deal!  He actually can write, and sounds intelligent when he does so, but I am just a tone-deaf musical ignoramus.

So when Brian tried to get me to play his guitar about a week ago, I knew it wouldn't be easy.  He took it out and had me playing "Mary Had a Little Lamb" in no time, but I complained that the steel strings were hurting my delicate fingers.  A light bulb went on in his head, and he said, "I bet you'd like the dulcimer."  And just as I was asking, "What in the world is a dulcimer?", he was off and running to the closet, and from the depths therein, he proudly produced an instrument I had never seen before.

So there it was, in all its glory, the perfect instrument for me, with only three strings, and four adorable hearts to boot.  Brian had taken a class in college in which he had to learn this charming little rustic instrument, and though he didn't feel too manly carrying around an instrument with hearts on it, he might have changed his tune if he had only known then that he was buying it for his future wife.

In our first lesson, Brian had me playing fifteen songs in a mere forty-five minutes.  I am far from being good or even worthy to hear, but it is a start for this non-musician.  I can honestly say that I am excited to have an instrument to call my own, and though I may never be proficient, I have a new little hobby in which to tinker away.  And when, with our future children, we one day form our humble family band, I will claim this instrument far in advance.  I'll let our children take on more challenging instruments!

In all seriousness, I am happy to be learning something new and joining Brian in something that he loves.  I am proud of him for finding a musical apparatus so perfect for me.  I love it, and I hope to get decent enough to listen to, someday.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


For the next year and a half or so, my teeth will be prisoner to a plastic torture device, otherwise known as Invisalign.  As an adult, I thought I had missed the orthodontic treatment boat years ago. In fact, when my new dentist told me I should go see an orthodontist, I said, "Me?!  I'm too old. Aren't braces for fourteen year olds?"  She replied, "You aren't that old.  You have more living left in you than you have yet lived."  What a great quote, with a lot of alliteration to boot.

For years I have had a problem with grinding my teeth, and doing so has been wreaking havoc on my dental health.  Actually, my teeth are in good shape except for that.  I don't have and haven't had any cavities.  But this grinding is causing my teeth to chip away at the root, and I have needed fillings in several areas.  I didn't know it until I went to see the orthodontist, but it turns out that I have a bad overbite that is causing said grinding.

I knew I didn't want metal braces at this point in my life, so after discussing the cost of Invisalign with Brian, he was all for it.  I would like to add that this would never have been possible if I were still single.  Since Brian's insurance actually has orthodontic coverage for adults, I am able to get these. Still, it is a bit pricey, but I left the entire decision up to my husband.  Needless to say, he is too good to me.

I'm slowly getting used to them, after having them for a week now.  Yes, they are annoying and uncomfortable at times, but that is nothing compared to the fact that I have to brush my teeth after every time I eat or drink.  It's a lot of work and upkeep, but I'm trying to keep focused on the goal. I'm glad I am no longer teaching, because sometimes my mouth is tired from wearing these, and talking all day long would be difficult.

I'm posting some pictures (hi mom!) which prove that these really are close to invisible.  I don't even think Brian knows if I have them in or out.

I'm not the best photographer out there, but you really can't tell I'm wearing Invisalign unless you are right in front of my face.  Also, please forgive the lack of makeup.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's About Time I Got Started

I finally managed to pull myself away from my kindle that Brian gave me for Christmas to begin blogging.  I had intended on starting after the new year, but didn't know I'd be caught up in one novel after the next.  How I love to read!  Now that I am no longer teaching literature, I finally have time to read literature!

Brian and I had a wonderful time in my stomping grounds of NJ over Christmas break.  How I loved seeing my family- which included my father who recently survived major heart surgery, all the way down to my baby twin nephews.  It was so great to be among familiar things, and I'm happy to say that it felt like I never left.

I wonder when or if that time will come, when home no longer feels like home?  I hope that won't happen for a long while.

It was a beautiful first Christmas together as a married couple, instead of merely dating, which was the case for the past two years.

I have much to talk about on this blog, and it is difficult to find a place to begin, seeing as I've been here in PA since the end of August and so much has happened.  For now, I'll post a few pictures that were taken over the Christmas  holiday.

Brian's parents came to see us a week before Christmas.  It was great spending time with them before they left for Arizona for the winter.

Brian's parents blessed us with a beautiful stainless steel pot and pan set, among some other gifts.  We're thankful to have it!  (Notice our teeny tree in the background!)

Our first Christmas stockings!

I've had an "Aunt" picture frame for a couple of years now that I've wanted to fill with a picture of me and all my nieces and nephews.  I figured that Christmas would be my only opportunity, but Lindsey had other ideas.

I did finally get this one several days later, but unfortunately, Adriana wasn't there.  I figure I'll have to wait until the kids are all grown before I get a picture with all of them.

Playing Adriana's game that she got for Christmas... I forget what it's called, but it sure was challenging!

Lindsey is trying to yank my husband off the floor... Emily and Lindsey sure love their Uncle Brian!

Double the cuteness.  I'll take one of those, please.
The greatest Christmas present for all of us:  my dad.  We're so grateful he's here.