Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Happily Married: Two Years

Two years ago today, Brian and I spoke our vows before God to love and honor only each other, 'til death do us part.

Both of us take those vows seriously.  Those words we spoke were a promise, and that promise was not based on unstable emotions, but rather the strong, sturdy, constant kind of love that does not waver and does not let go.

Is marriage easy?  By no means.  It takes hard work, tons of communication, strong doses of humility, and endless forgiveness.  But when you put two people together who are determined to stick it out come what may, you will likely see a marriage that will last forever.

They say the best decision we can make, next to accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior, is determining whom to marry.  If that is the case, and I believe it is, then I made a wonderful choice. My husband is by no means the perfect man, but no man can fulfill that impossibility.  He isn't perfect, but he's good.  When I say "good", I don't mean mediocre, or even fair, as if he's just making the mark.  When I say "good" I mean way above the status quo.  A good man, a truly good man, is hard to find, but I found one.  For that, I am abundantly blessed.

I still have much to learn about being a good wife and the best help meet I can be to my man.  I am still growing, and I am grateful that my husband has never-ending patience with me.

Today we celebrated our marriage of two years, which is a drop in the bucket to some of the older couples we know, but Lord willing, we will be among those whose marriage lasts a long, long time.

Brian took me out to dinner and for a walk along the lake, and of course, we took our little boy with us.  It was all the more special celebrating with our Caleb.  I started a little tradition last year on our first anniversary:  I wore the headband and earrings that I wore as a bride.  I donned them again this year, and I added the bracelet I wore also.  I have worn none of those things since then, except on our anniversary.  Last year, if I really wanted (which I didn't), I probably could have still fit into my wedding gown, but now, after having Caleb, no way is that going to happen!   (Although I did get weighed today and discovered I have only seven pounds to lose before I reach my pre-pregnancy weight!)

I will include here photos of the gifts we got each other for our second anniversary traditional gift of cotton.

I got Brian a set of three handkerchiefs embroidered with his initials. 

Brian did much better than I.  He purchased a beautiful pillow, and had a picture of the three of us copied (engraved? scanned?) onto it.  It is beautiful.  I love it.

Here's to many, many more years with the love of my life!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Three Months

Dear Caleb,

My boy, you are really growing!  I can't believe you are three months old already!

Do you know how much your mama loves you?  I enjoy each new day with you.  We are falling into quite a routine, you and I.  Every morning you put up with my singing, "Good morning, good morning, good morning to you" and also "This is the day that the Lord has made".  You smile throughout it all, though you will one day learn that your daddy is a much better singer than mommy.  Today, on your three-month birthday, I decided to start a new routine of reading a Psalm to you each morning.  It is never too early to start hearing God's Word!

You are getting stronger every day.  Look out, world!  Here comes my boy!  Your neck muscles are gaining strength and you can now roll over to your right side, though you usually roll right back.  And those kicks!  I can hardly stand how cute it is to see those legs of yours go in the air.

You are quite taken with yourself.  During car rides, you stare at yourself in your little mirror, completely fascinated with the little boy that is looking back with you.  I can't blame you at all, for I feel exactly the same way!

Your daddy and I are completely in love with you, and we are absolutely dreading the upcoming move from the bassinet to your own crib in your very own room.  I'm not sure what I shall do when you will no longer be by my side all night long.  No doubt, you will deal with the transition much better than I.

I love you, my darling boy!  My life is so much more full with your smiles and wide-eyed looks.  Just please, don't grow up too fast.  I want to hold on to these sweet days for as long as I possibly can, and yes, I will milk that bassinet for all it is worth.

Your mama

Monday, August 12, 2013

The Best Husband

This brief story demonstrates just one of the reasons why I have the best husband in the world.

Two nights ago, Brian went to a wedding in Long Island for one of his coworkers.  Since it was so far, in addition to a wedding being no place for a baby, I stayed behind with Caleb.  I would have liked to have gone with Brian, especially for the chance to dance a slow number with him, something we have not done since our own wedding.

Brian found himself at a table with his colleagues, and there was a moment where a napkin was passed around at each table.  When the music stopped, the person holding the napkin was asked to come to the dance floor.  You guessed it; Brian was the person holding the napkin.  When he arrived to the dance floor, he and all the other victims were told to ask a person from any other table than the one they came from to dance.

If it were me, I would have skulked off and said, "No way!"  But my husband is ever so clever. Instead of being a party pooper, he told me that he immediately began looking for the lady with the whitest, grayest hair.  So he did.

He walked right up to a sweet lady and held out his arm.  She was just tickled, and declared him to be a "nice young man".  It turns out that she was an aunt of the bride.  Brian's colleagues were all in stitches, snapping pictures and such.

The reason I have the best husband is because instead of choosing a young, pretty thing (not that I am saying I am old and ugly), he honored me by choosing an older lady, and he also made this lady feel pretty good.  While I wish I could have been the one dancing with him, I don't begrudge the bride's aunt.

How's that for getting out of a sticky situation?  I married a pretty smart man.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

First Year of Homeownership

We've officially owned our home for one year.

One of the things I've enjoyed most about this summer, besides having Caleb of course, is the fact that I haven't had to move.  Two years ago, I was preparing for my wedding in the midst of getting ready to move to PA.  I was trying to figure out what to pack and bring to PA ahead of time, and also what to still leave with me for my last couple of weeks in NJ.  It was a flurry of boxes and living out of suitcases.  It was rather crazy.

Last year, on August 4th to be exact, I found myself moving again.  We said goodbye to Brian's bachelor pad, which I tried my best to make a cozy home for our first year of marriage.  There was only so much I could do with the place.  While I was more than ready to leave, it was a bit sad to leave the first home we had together.

So for the first time in two years, I did not have anywhere to traipse to this summer, and it was a blessed relief.

Homeownership is no easy role.  There is always something to be done, and we are still working on the same to do list that we made when we moved in.  Some new things popped up along the way that pushed other things down on that list.  I keep reminding myself that it is a marathon and not a sprint.  We don't know how long we'll be here, whether it is for the long haul, or a few years.  Still, we keep plugging away, trying to make our home an even better place.

I keep looking back to that move we made one year ago (and two days).  We had Brian's family helping us move, and also a couple from our church.  This friend of mine, Cheryl, and I, found ourselves a few moments to talk as she helped me put my bed together in my new bedroom.  I was telling her of my desire to get pregnant, and she was encouraging me.  She also revealed that she was also wanting to get pregnant with her third child, and she and her husband were hoping for a boy after having two daughters.  I look back on that conversation and marvel, for within a couple of weeks, I did get pregnant, and she did, too.  Her baby boy was born ten days after Caleb.  What a strange kind of miracle for that to happen to the two of us, just after we both voiced our earnest desires.

If I could have had a glimpse then of what awaited me, this beautiful, blue-eyed boy, what a burst of ecstatic joy would have rippled through me.  Our home now feels much more complete with this baby of ours.

Even though we have a million things that still need doing, I remind myself to be content.  We have each other and our precious son.  There are some windows that still need blinds and rooms still need to be painted, but those are not the most important things in life.  Our family is, and I am so blessed that God has fulfilled the deepest desire of my heart.

So here's to many more happy years here, for as long as God should have us!