Friday, August 20, 2021

Happy Anniversary: Ten Years

One decade down!  How many more to go?  Brian is hoping for at least four!  Let's see how long we live, or if Jesus comes first!

While shopping for Brian's gift on Etsy, I came across this hysterical Trump card.  I couldn't resist getting it as a gag gift!

Our traditional gift theme this year was tin, so I found this adorable tin cup for Brian which has a double meaning with "Happy Campers".  Together, we are happy campers in marriage, but Brian also has dreams of renting an RV in the summers and traveling across states as a family.  So this cup represents what we are, and what we will be.  Brian loved it!

For me, Brian bought a tin heart for keeping jewelry.

Marriage isn't a fairy tale.  It is hard work!  It takes much letting go of our own wants and desires and putting our spouse first.  Sometimes, we buck against the very idea!  When I had foot surgery in February, it was a hard time on us all.  I was completely down and out.  Brian had to step up and take care of the kids and do all my normal chores besides.  He even had to take care of me!  I couldn't even get into the shower without his help.  I joked with him then, if only our vows had included, "Brian, do you take Courtney, in foot surgery, and out of foot surgery?"  I felt so embarrassed to be reduced to a lump on the couch, and while I was grateful I could still take care of Anna to some degree (change diapers/clothing and nurse), and I could chop veggies and mix things if Brian brought them to me, it was so far from my usual workhorse self.  And yet, perhaps it wasn't a time wasted at all.  God taught Brian how to step it up, and He taught me how to appreciate my home in a far different way, even when things were quite out of control.  And while I was embarrassed to be reduced to what I was, for a time, I know I was SAFE with Brian.  He would love the weak Courtney, just as much as the strong.  For that, I am grateful.

Brian didn't picture those weeks of me being disabled, I am sure, when he was waiting for his bride to come gliding down the aisle.  And yet, his love and commitment to me kept him by my side, taking care of us all, even when it was far out of his comfort zone.

We are grateful that we have made it ten years.  God has brought us three beautiful children, which was one more than we thought we'd have!  Sure, we are bursting out of this house, but we are here, together.  

Please excuse my dorky selfie.  Really, in general I'm not much for selfies, unless one of the kids is in there with me.  Every year, I put on my wedding bracelet, earrings, and headband that I wore as a bride on my anniversary.  It is my way to connect with that day, and to feel a bit like a bride again, on a much smaller scale.  I mean, really, why wear those things only once?  And Anna noticed right away, wanting to play with them all, proving what a little princess she already is.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Happy Birthday, Silas! Six Years

Well, today was our Silas's birthday, and I like to continue my tradition of writing a brief blurb here on the old blog.  But today I had my second round of foot surgery to remove unwanted and unmissed hardware (Adios!), and I'm not up for too much other than resting and elevating.  And if you knew the state of our laptop, you'd know that there is no battery reserve, so that makes sitting with the computer impossible when not near an outlet.

So, I'll be back!  We love our Silas, even though the days are hard, we keep looking UP when we are feeling nothing but down.  God knows and loves Him, through and through.

More to come!


I didn't intend to get foot surgery the day of Silas's birthday.  Actually, I didn't intend to get a second foot surgery this year.  After the long and difficult recovery from my first foot surgery back in February, I didn't want to go anywhere near the operating room.

After fifteen sessions of physical therapy back in May/June, my foot did improve somewhat, but I still didn't get the healing I was looking for.  I still walked with a limp, and I was still in more pain than I had been experiencing before my surgery in February.  This surgery was supposed to make me feel like I had a new foot!  The doctor suggested removing the screws, plates, and staple in my foot.  For some people, their bodies simply don't respond well to the hardware, and it causes them pain.  The hardware had done its job, and could be removed.

Still, I thought I would put the surgery off until next year.  Even though it was an easier surgery, I worked so hard to get back on my feet and I just didn't want to go under the knife again.  Then, it seems just as I made the decision to wait until next year, I swiftly changed my mind.  I particularly didn't like one staple, that you could both see and feel sticking slightly from my toe, and I just wanted to be done with it all and put this chapter of my life behind me.  So, I scurried back to the doctor as quickly as my feet would take me, and signed the consents for the hardware removal surgery.  That was July 22nd, the day before my birthday. 

I had no idea they'd get me in so quickly!  When the nurse called to say they could get me on the schedule for August 10, Silas's birthday, I felt badly about taking anything away from his day, but I decided to go for it.  Brian is off in the summer, and it would give me some time to heal before he headed back to work.  So I spent the two weeks making a few trips to the stores and taking care of things around the house.

And of course, I got everything ready for Silas's birthday ahead of time.

The surgery center is about an hour and forty minutes from our house, and I needed to be there at 7.  So we woke the kids up early, and left our house at 5:15.  Not fun.  The kids were real troopers, and after having done this in February, it was far easier this time around.  A)  The weather was warmer, and Brian could take the kids to a nearby park while I was in surgery and B)  This surgery was only about an hour (not counting pre-surgery and post-surgery times), while my other surgery was about five hours.  After Brian took the kids to the park, they only had to wait in the car for me about fifteen minutes, which was a major improvement compared to the hours and hours they spent in the car this past winter waiting for me.  (My original ride got COVID last minute back in February, so Brian had no choice but to take me along with the kids.)  

We had balloons for Silas in the car, since he loves balloons, and a trip to the park is a great way to celebrate his birthday, so I didn't have to feel too badly about him being stuck accompanying me to my surgery.  We got home just after noon (as opposed to after 5 my first surgery), and I had to fight off the sedation for the next few hours.  I was so tired!  Brian went down to Dunkin to get me an iced coffee, and it perked me up.  I didn't want to be half asleep through Silas's presents and cupcakes.  It did the trick, and I was able to enjoy Silas's birthday and serve his cupcakes and play with his presents.  I was happy to still be walking, which was a real treat after being off my feet for about 8 weeks after my first surgery.  (Also, I should mention the doctor decided to leave one screw in my foot, as he thought I would still need it for stability.)

We love our Silas, and while things are still hard in our lives right now, we pray for him every day, and we try to cheer him on and build him up as much as we can.  I don't know why he has to suffer like this.  I don't know why we have to suffer like this.  Because make no mistake, it is suffering.  But I know our God can be trusted.  I know He has a plan for our lives, and what's more, those who trust in Jesus have eternal life with Him.  I know this life is but a vapor, and even if Silas is not healed in this life (which we pray he will be), he will be completely whole in heaven.  

Silas is a little guy who likes things in order, and he is forever picking up things in the house and moving them back to their original places if they were moved.  This can be a blessing and a curse for us all.  He likes to sing, and he has many songs memorized from the Cedarmont Kids videos we have.  He's got a bunch of stuffed animals and toys he simply must bring to bed, and it is a wonder he gets any sleep at all with all that stuff in his bed!

When he smiles, you stop whatever you are doing and smile right back.  Nothing makes me happier than to see him happy!  

We have big dreams for him, because we serve a big God.  We love him, and though our lives might revolve around meltdowns, he is still ours.  He is loved by an all-powerful, holy, loving God, and that God knows him through and through.  His life has just as much importance as yours or mine.  

Here's our guy as he is about to eat his cupcake!  This guy has no sweets at all.  We are on a strict diet with him, and I sweetened his cupcakes with xylitol, which isn't a true sugar.  Let's just say he was well aware of the treat he was having, and he savored every bite!

Here are some pics of the kids on the deck this past week!

So, this was really a 9, because the store was out of a 6.  Shhh, it is our secret, okay?