This week is a bit lonely for me, because Brian is involved with the pit band for the school play, and it means that he arrives home at about 9:30 each night due to rehearsals. Then he's off at 6:30 in the morning and I feel as though I've hardly gotten to see him!
It can be difficult, because there's not much to do here in the area where we live, nor do I have many friends. If I still lived at home in NJ, I could easily distract myself with a quick trip to Kohl's or Target. But here? Any store of worth is at least 45 minutes away. These days, I get worn out from such trips too easily, especially by myself. It helps if I have an arm to lean on for support.
Thankfully, I'm not prone to cabin fever, and I really do enjoy being at home. I think God made me to be a stay-at-home, and eventually, a home school mom. I love being at home, and it isn't until the weather really warms up that I start itching to be outside.
In the meantime, I have plenty to do. Keeping up with the regular house chores is one thing, but today I have just begun baby laundry, and truly, I think our baby has more laundry than Brian and I both! I have one load in right now, and there is another brewing in the next week or so. I've got some adorable onesies, socks, hats, burp cloths, and hooded towels getting clean for baby right now. At some point, I will be washing blankets, sheets, etc. How does one little baby need so many things?
I am also keeping busy researching cloth diapers and trying to figure out which ones I want to order. They are not cheap, initially, but I believe, and the research proves, that this will be a big savings over time. I am all about saving money. In addition, I have read from very happy cloth diapering parents that there are less blowouts and rashes due to cloth diapers. Many who use them say they won't go back to disposable.
I have a few disposables given as gifts, and I may buy one more bag of newborn size disposables just to get me started, but I want to quickly make the shift to cloth. I left my diaper pail with my parents because we couldn't fit it in the car due to all of our shower gifts, so hopefully by the time I need it my parents will be up here already. (They are bringing my high chair, too. I'm so glad my mom has an SUV!)
While I miss my Brian very much, I am definitely keeping busy and focusing on my long "to do" list, trying to get things done and stay organized. This Saturday is the official one month countdown to our due date. Today, I spoke out loud and told our baby how much I love him/her, and he/she started moving quite a bit. I am so ready for this one to be out of my belly and in my arms. I can't wait to kiss my baby's cheeks about a thousand times. Such happy things to look forward to!