Friday, May 31, 2013

Hard Things

This week marks the first week where it's been just Caleb and me.  My mom was here for a week last week, but she departed Monday morning.  Brian is back to work, and I began the week with high hopes that Caleb and I would get along splendidly.

Well, we are getting along, but I am already discovering the tougher points of parenting.  Without a doubt, the most difficult thing for me is lugging the car seat carrier in and out of the car.  I really think part of the prenatal preparation I should have done is lift weights.  Carrying the thing isn't so bad.  It's the putting it in and out of the car that kills me.  I was taking Caleb to the chiropractor three days ago, and I pulled a muscle in my own neck trying to get him inside.  To be fair, my car is very compact, and it doesn't allow for much room, so it is doubly hard to get Caleb in there.  Brian can handle it better than I can because he is obviously stronger, but my car still doesn't make it easy.

Another difficult thing is taking Caleb out in the heat.  Yikes, the temperatures have just skyrocketed, and I'm  only just beginning my outings with him.  I'm terrified he's going to suffer from heat stroke every time I put him in the car.  In fact, I have to take him out later today, and the temperature will at least be 90 by then.

Aside from these things, I have come down with a bad cough and sore throat.  I'd like to point out that I haven't been sick in a little over two years, when I was teaching at my former school.  I have been completely healthy since.  Then, after I deliver a baby, and after my mom has already gone home, I get sick. I'm trying desperately not to cough on him, but it is rather hard when I am holding him for feedings.  Thank God breast milk builds up his immunity.

Between being sick and the late-night feedings (and also Caleb's fussiness that comes and goes at night), I am definitely exhausted and weary.  My sister has ordered me to forget about housework right now, but it is difficult to watch my home slowly become a cluttered mess.  I just don't have the energy.

I love my Caleb to pieces, but I long to feel better so that I can be a better mom to him.  But I know that this too shall pass, and what parent doesn't experience difficulties in the beginning?  At least Caleb is healthy and is gaining weight, and that is the important thing right now.

I'm praying that my body kicks this cough to the curb pretty soon.  I need to feel better for Caleb's sake.