If I smile more these days, if I laugh just a little bit louder, if the light is brighter in my eyes, it is all because of you.
Before I became a mother, I always knew I'd love my child through and through. I knew that even as a little girl playing with dolls. It is an entirely different thing, however, when that love becomes REAL. I look at your sweet face and I wonder if you know you are loved. I'm not sure all of what a baby at four months can or cannot comprehend, but I believe somewhere in that developing mind of yours, you understand you are loved. Your smiles tell me so.
And your giggles! Goodness! How you dearly love to laugh! Daddy and I are able to get you to laugh pretty easily these days. I love to pick you up and rub my head against your belly. That's my favorite way to make you giggle. Truly, I'm not sure there are too many things more pleasing to my ears than that wonderful sound.
I'm so thankful that your daddy allows me to be a stay-at-home mom. I could never go to work and part with you, leaving you to someone else's care. You are mine. One of the first things your daddy and I learned about each other was that we both believed in homeschooling our children. That is another thing I am so thankful for. You will be my companion for a good eighteen years. I hope you are up for it! I know I am. I so look forward to teaching you, and not only that, but learning with you, too.
There are moments when I look at you and I try to freeze the picture in my mind. I am all too aware that if I turn my back for one moment, you'll be all grown, a man ready to take on the world.
My sweet son, I love you more than I can say. While I want you to grow to be big and strong, today I am relishing the fact that you're a baby who needs his mama. Being your mother is the best job I've ever had.
Happy four months old, my Caleb-Bear!
Love always,
Your mama
Happy Caleb!
Sleepy Caleb, because he's a not a such a good napper and he missed his last nap.
Superhero Caleb.