People kept telling me that your muscles develop as your child grows. Sounds pretty logical to me. Caleb, however, has grown very fast, and my poor arm hasn't had time to keep up.
I have taken to wearing an Ace support bandage at times of terrible soreness, because my arm hurts in three places. It isn't the muscles. It's the ligaments. I might be right-handed, but I am more comfortable carrying my baby in my left arm so that my right arm is free to stir the pot on the stove, or what have you. While my right arm is of course stronger, he just feels like he belongs in my left arm. It's always been that way for years, even when holding other people's babies.
So when Caleb is fussy, and I mean, late evening- before bedtime fussy, sometimes the only thing to do is carry him around with me, so he can watch whatever it is I am doing. It calms him, but unfortunately, my arm has endured the poorer end of the bargain. I told Brian just last week that I doubt if my arm will ever be the same again. Just trying to hold my arm straight out brings considerable pain.
The things we do for our babies. Caleb has been a fussy sleeper for quite some time. It didn't start out that way, but it seems that once September hit, he became less and less enamored with sleep. I've tried different tricks, like taking him out in the car, but that isn't always possible. Lately, the vacuum has seemed to be a calming background sound for him, and it usually, like 99% of the time, causes him to go to sleep. I hate to waste the electricity, so I do, in fact, vacuum a little bit each time I have it on for him. Let's just say I have pretty clean floors right now.
I know I recently posted a photo of Caleb in this outfit, but I discovered that these booties that once belonged to my sister's kids, paired delightfully with it. He looks like my little Christmas elf, though I doubt this outfit will still fit him at Christmas.