Brian celebrated his second Father's Day this past Sunday. While round one (last year), was a thrill, I wouldn't say this year received second prize. Caleb is so much fun now, and he absolutely loves his daddy.
I dressed him in his "Handsome Just Like My Daddy" onesie, on which he promptly managed to smear his sweet potato cereal puffs. Really, he never does that. I don't normally put a bib on him for cereal puffs because they are a non-messy food, but somehow he managed to make it messy.
Brian had a concert in the late afternoon where he was being paid to play his horn. The event was over an hour away, and since we didn't want to split up on Father's Day, we brought Caleb along. Let's just say it was an exhausting time of holding him. We didn't have the stroller because it was in the other car, and no way was I letting my baby crawl on a disgusting floor. My arms were definitely tired by the end. When the concert was over, I took Caleb to the car so I could give my poor muscles a rest, and I pulled the car up so Brian could come right to us. It was a long day, but I was glad we could all be together.
Caleb loves his daddy. When he hears the door opening in the late afternoons, he crawls as fast as he can so he can get a look. He knows Daddy is arriving, and he wants to be picked up as soon as can be. I don't think Caleb is more content any place than he is on top of Daddy's shoulders (except for nursing, of course).
I married a wonderful husband, and he's a fantastic father to our little boy. Caleb is in for some pretty amazing years ahead.