Saturday, August 16, 2014

Odds & Ends: Random Blog #1

Sometimes there are things I want to post that are unrelated or are just plain stupid to make an entire post about by themselves.  So this will be an odds and ends kind of a post.  I added the #1 in case I ever want to do a #2 or #3, and so forth and so on.

Brian and I were in Kohl's last month making a few purchases, and I stumbled upon these sailboat cutouts for a baby nursery.  If you know me, you know that I really have no decorating skills at all.  I am not a visual person and therefore am clueless about how to make a room visually appealing. (This visual impairment does not extend to clothes.  I can put a good outfit together.  My former students could tell you.)  Even in my writing, my weaknesses always have to do with written descriptions of physical surroundings.  I am much better at writing my feelings, not what I am seeing.

Anyway, tangent.  These sailboats were regularly $29.99, though who would pay that, I have no idea. They were 90% off, plus I had a 20% coupon, bringing the grand total to $2.54.  I figured we could swing that.

Caleb's room has been pretty boring due to my lack of decorating skills, and I figured I could at least put these on the wall.  They came with adhesive backings which I started to put up... then I made the discovery that these adhesives also took the paint off the wall.  Upon checking the directions, it said the adhesives were semi-permanent.  Semi-permanent, in a baby nursery???  The room will be changed probably no less than six times by the time he's ten.

So out came the paint can that my parents and I used last year to paint Caleb's room before we even knew he would be Caleb, and I touched up the spots.  Then I decided to use sticky tack instead.  Remember, I have no skills with layout or how to put anything up on walls, so this is how it turned out:

It started well on the right side, but I got a little sloppy as I went to the left.  Oh, well.  At least it is something to look at.  I made sure to put them high in case Caleb magically develops long arms overnight and starts pulling them down off the wall.  I had visions of him eating the sticky tack, and so I even moved the crib out a bit from the wall for good measure.  Yes, I do think of all possible scenarios.  I am my father's daughter.

We finally made it to the fair!  Five years ago, Brian and I met in July through our mutual friends, Shawn and Theresa.  I came back up in August so we could visit with each other again before school started.  Brian and I joined Shawn and Theresa and their family, and we all went to the fair. Brian surprised me by paying my way, which he by no means had to do.  It wasn't exactly a date, but it was that kind of chivalry Brian displayed to me all throughout our courtship.

We were so excited to bring Caleb with us this year.  He couldn't do anything, really, being too small for the rides, but he enjoyed seeing the farm animals and sharing my ice cream.  It was fun to go as a family!  I made sure to cover him with sunscreen as well as the stroller canopy.  The sun and I are not on the best of terms.

This frame has been a work-in-progress for a while.  One of the ladies at our old church got this for me for my church shower.  It shows the baby at each month.  I took pictures of Caleb every month on his birthday, except for one I missed by a day since we were traveling.  I put this frame together, and yes, I know there are a couple of big heads, but there is nothing to be done about it.  Anyway, I'm proud of it in spite of its flaws.

Caleb recently started stacking the animals I keep in the corners of his crib.  No further explanation needed.

This was just last night, and Caleb looked so cute in his new pajamas, I couldn't resist a photo.  He looks so long!  For the record, those are twenty-four month size pjs.  He still wears eighteen-month clothes, but he always grows out of the one-piece things more quickly.  They are a little bit big, but no doubt, much more comfy than the constricting eighteen-month size.

When Brian is home, we are both part of the routine of putting Caleb to bed.  I let Brian hold him and I sit on the floor next to them, because I always end up nursing Caleb right before he goes down. That way we both have a chance to cuddle close to him.

If you made it to the end of this post, well then, I sincerely thank you for sticking with me!