Is it me, or was it a very gray fall... and now becoming a gray winter? I remember thinking in October, "Man, it's been really gray. Can't wait until this ends." Except that it never did. I think the longest the sun has shone since September is for five minutes- once every two weeks. I am not exaggerating.
I don't know about you, but the weather can affect my mood. When it is so uninspiring and uninviting outdoors, sometimes I think it is hard for me to keep my spirits up. I miss the gloriously sunny days of summer where all was bright and cheerful. Summer is not necessarily my favorite season, but I'd pick that any day over all this gloom.
But... at least we have Christmas. Now, January will be another story. The gray days will stretch on with not much to look forward to, except a desperate longing for spring. But, for today, we have Christmas before us, with all its joys to await us: the celebration of our Lord and Savior's birth, the time together as a family, the unwrapping of gifts, the joy of seeing our toddler's reaction to all the fun.
As a child, Christmas held so much magic. Sadly, much of that has been lost as an adult. Sometimes I feel as though I'm still searching for it. Then I realize that I already have all that is important. My salvation. My husband and son. My family. We are so spoiled today. I lack for very little. I like to reflect on the wonder of that miracle over 2000 years ago. Mary, traveling on a donkey, very, very pregnant. (Brian took me horseback riding once, and I was just about scared to death. I have no idea how she did it.) Joseph, the man of God who took Mary as his wife, knowing he wasn't the true father of the child. Yet, he became Jesus' earthly father, and Jesus learned much from him, even learning his trade. These were people of gigantic faith, and they make my faith look weak and puny indeed.
I like to remember Charles Dicken's "A Christmas Carol", and I think how the whole family of Bob Cratchitt is so excited when he has the whole day off of work to celebrate with his family. It didn't take much to make them happy.
Just thoughts I am pondering these days! Thanks for coming along for the ride.
For your viewing pleasure, here are some pictures of Caleb in his new outfit. Last year, I had a wonderful picture of Caleb in his sweater vest, sitting on the couch, nice as can be. This year, it has been impossible to get a picture of him staying still. My mom bought him this outfit for Christmas after she asked me what she could get him, and I said, "I'd love for him to have a new sweater vest and button-down shirt."
It would have been so nice to get a picture with him sitting in front of the tree, but "HA"! No chance!
Here's what I have:
Posed or not, he's adorable! Be still, my heart. I just about swoon to see my boy in a sweater vest!