Monday, July 13, 2015

Double Stroller Time

When my sister was pregnant with her twin boys, her friend happened upon a yard sale, where she found this double stroller for $15.  She bought it on the spot, thinking my sister might want it, and she didn't want her to miss out on the deal.  My sister was thrilled, and promptly reimbursed her friend the money.  "Best $15 I ever spent," she said.

When my twin nephews were born, my sister had 4-year-old Emmy, and 2-year-old Lindsey.  So she definitely needed the double stroller!

Sometime ago, I believe last fall, perhaps, my sister said she was done with this stroller, and asked if I wanted it.  She didn't have the room for it any more.  I was not pregnant then, but hoping to be so. We didn't want to miss out on a free double stroller in case we would need it down the road, so we took it.  We figured we'd have to put it in the garage, but since yucky rodents get in from time to time, I was a bit nervous.  I had wrapped it with two big garbage bags, and taped those bags together, until I was satisfied nothing was getting in.  Then, before we had put it away, I did indeed get pregnant.  So the stroller sat in our downstairs hallway, waiting for the day to be unwrapped once again.

Today I cleaned off this stroller and got it all ready to go.  It is in decent shape, considering we are now the third owners.  There are some dirt marks here and there, but they are mainly on the outside. The inside is fairly clean.

While this will take up more room in the back of the car, it is good to have.  Caleb is still little and sometimes needs a stroller.  Less than he used to, of course, but some distances are too long for him to walk, or it is simply easier to have him confined, for example, in clothing stores and such.

It is a strange thing for Brian and me, entering this new stage of parenting.  Seeing two car seats in the back of the car.  Getting a stroller that carries two all ready to go.  I almost think that going from one child to two is a greater thing to get used to then having the first!  I am so used to thinking of one child; now two will soon occupy my thoughts.

Am I nervous about caring for two?  You betcha.  But I know that like anything else, I'll find my new rhythm and routine.  It might take some time, but I am glad I have the time to take.

Baby #2, we love you and we are waiting for you!  We can't wait to kiss your face!