Dear Silas,
These weeks have flown by! I can't believe you are one month old already! No longer can I call you a newborn because you have officially graduated into big boy territory!
Our house is so much richer and fuller now that you are here. It took your brother a few weeks, but he is now giving you kisses and trying to stroke your head whenever he can. I hold my breath a bit, because Caleb is rather rough around the edges. He did manage to throw a Mega Blok that landed directly on your face today. You cried, and I was near tears myself.
You love to sleep next to me. I don't plan it that way, and you certainly sleep in your bassinet, too, but sometimes we both fall asleep while you are nursing. Sometimes, like last night, you were so fussy (and I was exhausted) that I gave up and just brought you to bed with me. You seem so content to be nestled near me. While it is beautiful, and in theory I like it, I don't always like the crick in my neck that comes as a result. But you are worth it.
You are absolutely beautiful. Your blue eyes are so alert, and you love to watch whoever is in front of you. I believe you recognize me, because you sort of give me a look that says, or at least I interpret it to say, "Oh, it's you. I know you. I am at home with you. I am safe with you."
You are a grunter. Such a noisy baby you are! Any sort of discomfort is dealt with and communicated in a grunt. Whether you have spit up that is working its way up, you need to burp, or you are trying to do #2, you are grunting. You are also fussy! There are times I truly don't know what to do with you. You can be unhappy being held, walked around, rocked in the chair, etc. During the day, nursing is your number one comfort, and the second is your swing. In the evening, you are almost inconsolable. It is all I can do to take a quick shower. Daddy watches you, but nothing usually works to calm you, and he happily turns you over to me so I can nurse you.
Nursing has been an issue for us. You have nursed in quick sessions since birth, but with more frequency than normal. I worried about you for the first couple of weeks, terrified that you were not eating enough, and after a trip to the doctor's confirmed you were indeed gaining weight, I finally relaxed. I'm still not sure why you nurse in so many frequent, short sessions, but I have accepted that this is just your way for right now. As long as you are healthy, that is my main concern.
Your Daddy and I love you. We look forward to watching you grow and interact with your big brother. No doubt, we'll have our hands full with the two of you! I often gaze at you and wonder just what your personality will be. I can't wait to find out!
Silas, welcome to our family, our home, and our hearts. We love you!
Love always,
Your mama