Saturday, October 10, 2015

Silas: Two Months

Dear Silas,

It is still hard for this mama to believe that one year ago, you still were not yet in existence.  Not even as a tiny dot inside my belly.  Your daddy and I were trying, after several months with no success, to get pregnant again.  It wasn't until last November that you were conceived.

I remember clearly how I felt then, so ready for another child, yet having trouble bringing you about. I wondered if Caleb would be our one and only.  God was so good to give us you!  Our family feels so different with you now, so much fuller, so much more complete.  Caleb has a best friend and a playmate in you... you just have to catch up to him!

You are starting to smile more and more!  If Daddy and I make silly sounds, we are often rewarded with your smile.  You love to make eye contact, and you also love to stare at objects on the ceiling, such as a light fixture or a ceiling fan.

You are still keeping me up at night, which is okay, because you are still little.  You usually wake up to feed three times each night, or maybe two, depending.  In a couple of months or so, if you are still waking to feed, we may be doing some tough love there and letting you "cry it out", a thing which I avoided with your brother for a long time, to the detriment of all.  I hope to not repeat the same mistakes I made once before!  I have learned the hard way.  He is an excellent sleeper now, so I hope to have the same success with you.

No one on earth would accuse me of not feeding you enough, because you are a bit pudgy, my sweet little boy!  In the beginning, your nursing sessions were so brief, I wondered if you'd ever gain weight. No worries now!  You are a chunker, that's for sure!  But at this age, it is oh, so cute, and no doubt you'll thin out in good time.

For now, you still sleep right beside me, and I'm fine with that.  When you are ready to sleep through the night, we will be transitioning you to your brother's room.  We want to wait so that you don't wake him up!  I love having you near me at this stage, and no doubt, I'll be sad to see you move on when the time comes.  You are only this little for a short time, my darling boy.  I'm not in a hurry to let you go just yet.

We love you, Silas!  Thank you for adding so much to our family.  We just can't do without you!

Your mama