Dear Silas,
How are you already three months old, my dear boy? The time is moving so quickly. It was almost a year ago we found out you were on your way. On Thanksgiving, to be exact, I took a pregnancy test in the early morning, confirming what I already believed to be true. We happily called the rest of the family and shared the news. Even though we were snowed in, I felt such thankfulness that day, knowing that we would soon be a family of four.
Motherhood is no joke. It is not for the faint of heart. It is the hardest job I have ever had, and I've had quite a few difficult jobs. But I would not trade it. Nor would I trade you or your brother for the world.
In the midst of the craziness, of being pulled in several directions at once, there are moments of such deep and lasting satisfaction. Last Wednesday, you laughed for the first time, and I am certain every angel in heaven stopped the all-important work he was doing to have a listen in, for it was more beautiful than the voices of heavenly angels singing. I hope I never forget that melodic sound!
You are my own personal teddy bear, and I love to snuggle you. You loved to be held, and I often get protests when I have to put you down. I don't like it either, but I only have two arms!
I was hoping to have an easy sleeper after Caleb, but it is not to be. You hate going down for naps and I have much ado trying to get you to sleep. At night, you continue to wake me up. My little love, we will be doing cry-it-out, but I am waiting a bit longer until I am more sure you are not waking up due to hunger. You are getting closer to that time, but I would rather err on the side of caution. I certainly don't want to deprive you of food if you need it!
You have outgrown your three-month clothes already, and I started you on six months! You are growing so fast. Don't grow too fast, my boy. Mama's arms don't want to let you go just yet.
Please know that know matter the day I've had, no matter how crazy it has been, no matter how stressed I might be, I love you so much. That will never change. Your smiles, your looks of wide-eyed wonder, your obvious interest in my voice and my smiles- those things make me smile, my darling boy. Stay as sweet as you are now- forever.
I love you.
Your mama