Dear Silas,
I am not sure how you are four months old already. Even though you are my second child, I still can't believe how fast it goes.
You are getting so big, and this is no exaggeration. In your weight and length you are in the 97th and 99th percentiles. You clearly look several months older than you are. I'm not sure how much longer you will be in six month clothes. I have already washed Caleb's old nine month clothes, so they are ready to go when you will need them. A few of your six month things are already getting tight!
You are grabbing at things more and more. Usually when we are done nursing, I have to disentangle myself from you. Your hands are tightly wrapped around me, my clothes, my hair, etc. You are starting to raise your head more and more and lift yourself with your arms, and though you have not rolled over yet, it looks like it is soon coming. (I think the delay here is due to the fact that you hate being on the floor too long).
Your sleep is still far from where we need it to be. I'm not sure why, because I have carefully avoided the mistakes I made with your brother, yet here we are. I make sure to put you down at night awake, and you get to sleep on your own. However, you are still having too many awakenings during the night. Whenever we see improvement, it is always one step forward, and two back. The other night, you had a great night with one five-hour stretch, then we were back to two-hour stretches, even one-and-a-half. Just this morning at 4 o'clock, we let you cry it out for an hour, and boy, it was ugly. People have asked why we don't put you in your brother's room. We don't need two children up in the middle of the night. One is enough. (And frankly, your brother has his own issues.)
Naps are touch and go. Again, every time we make progress, we go backwards later. I am still as sleep-deprived as I was when you were a newborn! It hasn't gotten too much better, unfortunately.
We took you to the doctor last week, and they gave you a glowing report. They couldn't get enough of you! The doctor thinks a tooth might be coming soon, and I have to agree. I have started giving you teething tablets, and perhaps this is contributing to some of your fussiness.
Despite all these growing pains, you bring us so much joy. Your smiles are heavenly! You give me the best grins, and I never tire of them. Holding you cheek to cheek is just about one of my favorite things in the whole world.
We are excited to celebrate Christmas this year with our two boys! I ordered your stocking to match the rest of us, and we are all set to go. Last year, we were dreaming of you at the very beginning of my pregnancy. Now, here you are. You are present enough for me.
I love you, my darling boy!
Your mama
Here he is in an old outfit of Caleb's: