Whenever I see a picture of myself before I had children, I quietly think, "Wow. I used to be pretty."
Back in my teaching days, the school yearbook featured teacher's superlatives. The categories varied each year, but one year I was voted as the teacher with the "Coolest Shoes" and the following year I was voted "Best Dressed".
I'm sure those things will come in handy standing before Jesus one day.
When I was a teacher, I took care and dressed sharply for my job. I wore skirts pretty much every single day. My female students complimented me all the time, and come to think of it, my female colleagues did, too.
These days, I'm rarely out of the house, so throwing on a t-shirt and clean jeans is all that is necessary. When I do go out, my main concerns are getting diapers changed, making sure the boys are dressed, preparing snacks for the road, nursing Silas, getting shoes on, grabbing the diaper bag, finalizing any chores, and what else? I'm supposed to get myself ready too?
Needless to say, I doubt my former students and colleagues would even recognize me.
I had purchased new shoes for Caleb's birthday. I tried measuring his foot on a chart downloaded from the internet, but unfortunately, I didn't do a good job, and the shoes were too big. I was SO disappointed, because I had been counting down the days until he could wear his new shoes. I made another purchase for a different pair (thinking I could save the others because he'll eventually grow into them), and they are coming this week.
You would think these shoes are for me, I am looking forward to this THAT much.
Something happens when you become a mom. While I haven't lost all interest in clothes and fashion, it is has dropped considerably. Picking out outfits for my boys is much more enjoyable to me now. Caleb doesn't get new shoes often, because we buy the good kind (Stride Rite), and they aren't cheap. But when he does get them, you'd think it was my birthday.
And if I go out and I look horrible, I think to myself, "At least they look cute."
That's all that matters now, isn't it? :)