Tuesday, October 25, 2016


No eloquent title post today.  One word sums it up.


Exhausted is another good one.

Silas continues to be up at night, and his times are becoming more random.  Last night it was 1:43.  I did not go in, because I did not want to start a new habit.  But I heard him cry nonetheless, and it meant a great loss of sleep for the both of us.

I can barely keep my eyes open today.

I have also been losing some weight.  This is not intentional.  I have lost all my pregnancy weight, and am now hanging in some numbers that are lower than I was before my pregnancy with Caleb.  I think it is due to two things:  Silas's incessant nursing, and this gluten-free, casein-free diet, which greatly limits the options.

I simply don't feel all that healthy.  With my never-ending tiredness, and my weight dropping a bit, I just don't feel like I can go conquer the world.  I can't even keep my kitchen clean.

I wish this was a better blog post.  I never did write about our trip to the pumpkin patch two weeks ago, or Brian's birthday.  It hasn't ALL been bleak.  But I will admit, I am ready to be done with this months-long trial God has seen fit to allow me to endure.

There is Silas crying now... off to my duty.