Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father's Day To This Daddy x 3!

Here's to this guy who finally has his own little girl!  (And look at those thighs!)

Allow me to share one more story regarding our discovery that we were going to be parents again.  As I have mentioned on the blog, the night before I took my pregnancy test, we were at an Andrew Peterson concert.  Brian has been a fan of his for years, and he also has made me a fan as well.  When Andrew Peterson came to Milford last year, we couldn't believe our good fortune!  His concert was at the Milford Bible Church which is about 12 minutes away!  We hardly ever go out at night, but we weren't going to miss that for the world!

I've already spoken about my experience with Andrew singing a song about change, and wondering why things weren't changing in our lives, and little did I know at that moment the news that was awaiting us. Well, Brian had a bit of his own experience.  Andrew's 16-year-old (at the time) daughter, Skye, was on stage singing a song which she wrote, and the dear girl is quite an emotional thing.  During her song, she broke down crying and was unable to continue.  Andrew, who was sitting in the front row to watch her, leapt to his feet, ran on stage, and took her in his arms to console her while she cried.  Brian was overcome in that moment, desiring a daughter of his own, as he had for so long.  A daughter to love, protect, and rescue.  And to cherish!

Little did he know that the seed of a baby girl was already planted in my belly at that moment, and his wish had already come true.  After church the very next day, I took my pregnancy test, and several months later, found out we were having a girl.

We will always fondly remember our time at an Andrew Peterson concert the night before our big news!

When you stand at the altar and slip a golden circle around your spouse's finger, you are not only partnering with them for romance and date nights for every weekend for the rest of  your life, you are partnering with them to be parents and raise little humans from scratch.  It is daunting!  Our world today gets harder and harder to navigate, and there are more and more things from which we need to protect our children.

I have had many jobs.  I have been a financial aid advisor at a seminary, a legal secretary, and a teacher (both in US and abroad) to name a few.  The hardest job on earth is being a parent.  It is the most exhausting, requires the most dying-to-self, and sometimes, makes you feel like the worst person on earth.  Having a partner who shares your vision, goals, and dreams is essential.  Sometimes, you get lost on the way, and having a partner helps you retrace your steps until you get back to where you are supposed to be.

Brian is my partner and my very best friend.  He is such a fun Daddy, and he brings so much life to our household, which would be pathetically dull if it were just me.  I am sometimes all work and to-do lists, frantically trying to get everything in the world done, and Brian brings levity which we all need.  However, he is a hard worker too, and will clean right with me if I need the help.  Our boys love him and his antics, and beneath the silly and the goofy, is a man who loves the Lord and those dear to him, and he has a very caring heart.  He is by no means perfect, and I can say that because I know his strengths and his flaws better than anyone, but he is a good man.  And as far as perfection goes, I failed that test myself a long time ago, and continue to do so, everyday!  So we go great together!

Darling, this post is part of my gift for you.  I love you and I am so grateful for you!  Happy Father's Day, Darling, and may you love this year the best yet, being a Daddy of 3!