Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Oh, Deer, Can I Bear It?

We moved approximately twenty miles and a half an hour west, and ever-so-slightly south, yet it is a different world here.  Before the move, we were on the border of NY and a hop, skip, and jump from NJ.  Though vastly different from my former stomping grounds of the Jersey Shore, it provided some convenience, albeit not the convenience I had once been used to.

Our move has taken us into the Poconos, and convenience isn't the word that comes to mind in our new community.  We are now more remote, perhaps more so than either of us has ever been before. It's an adjustment for us both.

Since we've moved in our new house, deer have graced us with their presence just about every day. For the people that live here, it is very likely no big deal.  Brian and I, however, usually stop what we're doing and whoever spots the deer first calls the other to the window.  We've had bucks and does who love to snack in the brush between ours and our neighbor's land.  It's been fun to watch them, but I can't help but get a bit nervous when we go for walks and we see deer right in front of us. Okay, so I know they won't hurt us... but an animal is an animal, and for sure and for certain they carry some nasty tics.

We've also had a turkey scurry through our yard.  It is kind of funny to think that once upon a time, our ancestors would have not let dinner get away!

My only real worry is bears.  We've been warned, by various people, that a bear may pay a visit. Brian is trying to train me on what to do if I see a bear.  Lesson 1:  Don't scream.  Lesson 2:  Walk away slowly.  Hmm.  He knows me too well.  There's no saying how I'll react if that day comes. Lord, I pray it is not soon!