One year ago today, we looked like this:
I was thinking about that day, exactly at 1:30, when I was lining up behind my bridesmaids with my father at my side. It's funny that I don't normally remember all things clearly, but I remember that so well. I remember how I felt, sort of breathless and nervous. I even remember standing in the foyer and watching a few people come in- almost, but not quite, late- including a few of my students. It felt surreal that my long-awaited wedding day had arrived.
I would be lying if I said that my wedding day was the best day of my life, but don't go getting the wrong idea. I was happy to marry my darling, but I really don't like ceremonies, especially ceremonies that I am in! I really could have done without all the hoopla, and I tried to have very little of it as possible. I was so glad when it was OVER, and I could focus on the future with my husband. We could finally be together all the time, without having to travel to another state to see one another. Our wedding day led to the best days to come because we could spend them together.
Before getting married, of course we knew that marriage is hard work. I think we'd have to be living under a rock to not know that. Brian and I come from two different worlds. My parents are divorced and his have a very happy and solid marriage. I'm so glad that one of us does. It is wonderful to have that example before us.
We knew it would be hard work, and we'd have to agree that it is. It is good work, however, the kind of work in which both parties should persevere. I've spent this year trying to be my husband's help meet. I know that I am, but I also see the areas in which I have fallen short. It is my goal to be better this next year. I want to not only serve my husband with such things like cooking and cleaning, but I want to bring out the best in him.
Just as I am his help meet, I'd be lost without him. I need his companionship and his strength when my emotions are off kilter. I can lean on him when I'm too weak on my own.
Our goals for this next year include growing closer to God and each other, and loving and serving one another better. When we moved two weeks ago, we decided not to reorder cable (we had the basic before). Television is such a huge distraction (even though we didn't watch those horrible shows on these days), and since we've gotten rid of it, I can honestly say I'm not missing it. Instead of mindlessly sitting in front of a screen, we can talk more. We also have agreed to begin online Bible courses together- for free! It is just another way for us to connect and to grow.
We are excited about the future. It is strange to say when we've been married for a year, because it still seems like yesterday, and it seems like ten years, all at the same time! I am blessed to have found someone willing to put up with me, and I know I love Brian more today than I did on August 20, 2011. What a blessing he is to me, and I pray that I will be to him for all of his days!
Here we are today! It's not a close up photo, but for fun I put on the same headband and earrings that I wore as a bride. Maybe I'll do that every year on our anniversary!
P.S. Happy Birthday to Brian's mom! If anyone reading this was at our wedding, you might remember singing to Brian's mom last year at our reception.