This past Sunday, Brian and I dedicated our little Caleb to the Lord, and we committed ourselves to teaching him about Christ.
I often say to Caleb, because he can't understand me, "There's no point to this life without Jesus. We might as well jump in a lake." Of course, as his vocabulary matures, I will change my wording. I often tell him about Jesus, who He is and what He's done for us. I figure I can't start early enough!
Our pastor did things a little differently. He made the whole service about the dedication. Another couple, our friends Dan and Cheryl, were also dedicating their little boy, Daniel, who was born ten days after Caleb. Our pastor first called the fathers up to the altar, where he first reminded them of their role as sons, then sons who became husbands with new responsibilities, then as fathers themselves. Then he called us wives up front (and our babies!) to join our husbands. It was a sweet little ceremony- a celebration of marriage and family of sorts- and a happy time for us parents as we ask a blessing over our Caleb as we raise him.
We pray he will come to know his Savior at a young age, and we pray he will follow Him all his days. Because truly, without Jesus, we might as well jump in a lake. (Not that I'm suggesting than anyone do so. Just making a point here.) One day, every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess. We might as well do it now, of our own choosing, then be forced to do so later.
Caleb was hard to restrain during the service. I had predicted it would be so. These days, Caleb likes being held, but only for a short time, and then he likes his independence. He was fussing, and so I had to go back and get a blanket, and then I put him on the floor of the altar. All the while, little Daniel was quite content in his mother's arms with nary a peep out of him. At one point, Caleb began to roll, and I had to put a quick stop to it because the stairs were inches from him! I can tell this little boy will make for a handful of a toddler one day!
It was a sweet service that made me reflect on my marriage, motherhood, and all the good things God has given me. I am grateful for these two men in my life!