It's funny how an ordinary conversation can become a turning point in our lives, even when we least expect it. Brian and I had many such conversations when getting to know each other, especially since we spent many, many hours on the phone due to a long-distance relationship. But we both still remember one conversation when we were first getting to know each other, that perhaps could justifiably be one that helped set the course and changed our lives forever.
When we first met, our dear friends who sort of shoved us together (without full agreement on my part), left Brian and me alone at the dinner table for a chat. I don't remember the whole conversation, but both Brian and I remember three things that we discussed that day.
We discovered that we were both fans of Dr. Woodrow Kroll, the esteemed Bible teacher of Back to the Bible. Sadly, he recently retired, but we were astounded that in July of 2009, we discovered that we both listened to the same radio program on the way to work at the same time, on the same radio station. It became a way of connecting us even as we lived in two different states, and it brought comfort to know as I was driving to work each day, that Brian was hearing the exact same words as I.
While neither of us remembers who brought it up or what led to the discussion, but we both shared our desire to homeschool our children. (Obviously, Brian would have wanted his wife to do this.) Again, it was another very important insight into one another and we were seeing quickly that we wanted the same thing for our families (ultimately- family). It was something we talked about throughout our courtship time and again.
While seemingly unimportant, somehow we stumbled on the topic of Santa Claus. It really should have come as no surprise by that point that we'd be in agreement on that topic as well. For us both, allowing our children to believe in this fantasy was out of the question, as it is not only a lie, but also a total and complete diversion from the true meaning of Christ's birth. Whew, thank goodness we got that out of the way early!
All this to say, I've been thinking back on that conversation so much lately as we are raising our own boy. The thoughts we shared then paved the way for our partnership as parents. I didn't know Brian was "the one" right away. It took my heart time to trust him and to love him, but that all-important chat was the start. It opened the door to a possibility. That possibility led to a friendship. That friendship eventually led to a love. That love led to a marriage. That marriage led to a family, and now we have our sweet little Caleb.
I find that more than anything, the best times I spend with Brian are the times we spend talking and sharing our hearts. That's how we began, and it is what keeps us strong.