It was a sunny and beautiful day, April 21st, three years ago today, that Brian asked me to be his wife.
I think that last year I forgot to acknowledge the date, because I was great with child, getting ready for the arrival of our Caleb-Bear. Two years ago, I wrote about it in this post here.
I'm not sure that many people acknowledge the date they got engaged. I can't help but think about it. Of course, the wedding is more important, but what would a wedding be without an engagement? I loved Brian's proposal. It wasn't big or over-the-top (I wouldn't like anything like that), and I thought it was so sweet and special.
When I reminded Brian of our engagement anniversary, he said, "Best decision I ever made!" I feel the same way.
Looking back, our long-distance relationship was hard at times. The short visits we had were just that- so short. But you know what? Even though I live with Brian every day, I sometimes miss him even more now. Sounds silly, right? There are weeks when he is really busy. He works two jobs as it is, but when there are extra things, like concerts, competitions, or school plays, etc., a week can go by where we hardly see each other, save for a few minutes before we turn in. I find that I miss him so much... more than one would think possible when we live together. Though we had a long-distance courtship which lasted well over a year, two if you count the pre-courtship and engagement, we did not yet know the emotional intimacy that marriage brings. Marriage means we are a part of each other. Our lives are intertwined inexplicably, and to be without one another is to be somehow less than whole.
I am so glad Brian found me worthy to be his wife and I am so grateful for the life we have together.