We were supposed to travel this Thanksgiving, but a foot of snow that barreled its way through here yesterday kept us home. We haven't gone anywhere since last Christmas... it is a bone of contention around these parts. Brian comes from a more laid-back family, and I guess I come from a family of worry-warts. As much as I wanted to see my family... terribly... I dreaded traveling with our boy and all the drama that would bring (ie: no sleep for all).
The snow made the decision for us, so I scrambled last minute to throw together a decent meal. For the record, I had never cooked a Thanksgiving meal before today. Brian and I will most likely never host Thanksgiving since our families live elsewhere, and since we are in the minority, we have to go to them. I bought a just-under five-pound turkey breast this past Monday, and it turned out to be just right for us.
Aside from using every pan under creation and dealing with the mess that such a meal creates, I thought my dinner turned out pretty successful. Even though my turkey was small, I managed to create a delicious gravy from it, which I didn't even think I'd be able to do. (No extra cooking stock required, folks!)
I did miss my mother's apple pie though, terribly.
I had planned on doing some Black Friday shopping with my dad and sister, but they'll have to find the bargains without me this year.
Regardless of the losses, it was a wonderful day. While it was rather strange to spend the holiday here by ourselves, it was a peaceful, simple day with much to celebrate. As we look forward to the coming Christmas season, it is good to take a moment to reflect on all that God has given us- so much more than we could ever deserve. I have a husband that I love and a little boy that steals another piece of my heart each day. My purpose in life is a glorious one- to love and serve them with the best that is in me.
Here are some photos from the day!