I'm sad to be writing this post, because it indicates the end of five gloriously wonderful days in which Caleb and I had Daddy all to ourselves. No first job. No second job. Daddy was never out of our sight, except for once, when he went to check the mail.
I love it when life slows down, and we can forget the hectic chaos of Brian's job- the stress of being a music teacher. Though I truly did miss seeing my family this Thanksgiving (my heart still hurts over it), it was a wonderful stress-free few days of enjoying each other's company without the hassle of traveling with a toddler (and not to mention packing).
Brian had to shovel three times to clear us out of the driveway. He did two shovels on Wednesday, when the storm came upon us, and one Thursday morning. It was still coming down pretty good, but not as bad, and it tapered off by noon. By this time, we thought it best to stay home, not knowing the condition of the roads. (Two months after Brian and I were married, we got stuck on the side of the road coming home from NJ during a freak October snow storm. That experience, and waiting to be rescued in a cold car, was enough to make me never, ever want to travel in any kind of snow again.)
I did some Black Friday shopping online, since I couldn't get out to any stores... really, we are so far away here, it isn't even worth it. I'm probably 90% finished with my Christmas shopping, and the majority has been purchased online. In fact, I think the only things I've actually got in store were three little things for Caleb. I'm glad that I'm mostly done so I can enjoy the season without feeling stressed about all the things I still have to get. I decorated the week before Thanksgiving, so all that is left to do is go and cut down our Christmas tree, bring it home, and decorate it!
So, the old routine begins again tomorrow. Brian will be heading out the door early, and Caleb and I will feel his absence keenly. But, oh, it was a fun few days together! The countdown to Christmas break begins!