Just a quick blog post here... Caleb is running around and Brian is teaching at his second job, so I don't have time for more, but I wanted to make note that this is the only week during my pregnancy where my children are the same age... 22! Caleb is 22 months and Baby is 22 weeks!
I'll be posting again soon. Brian, Caleb, and I ventured to NJ after a long hiatus of non-traveling (though, Thanksgiving is blamed on snow, and Christmas is blamed on morning sickness galore). We had a nice time; it was good to get away, but it was even better to come back to our snug and cozy home once again.
I have plenty of pictures to upload (which for me, is the longest part of blogging), due to the fact that my nieces (and nephews somewhat) wanted to play with my camera and take all kinds of photos.
I'll be back!