I had my second ultrasound yesterday. I had thought that I would get on here and post pictures of our baby.
Except that we only got one, and it was pathetic at best.
It turns out that the hospital's ultrasound technology is seriously lacking. My regular ob-gyn office is loaded with all the latest: 3D/4D and a wonderful, flat-screen t.v. so mom and dad can sit back and watch comfortably.
I had to strain my neck just to see the screen yesterday. Not that there was much to see. The images were poor, in fact, so poor that Caleb's ultrasounds were way better, and that was before the office had 3D/4D.
Normally, I watch every moment of the ultrasound knowing I am gazing on my baby, savoring every moment and treasuring it, because I won't get the chance again until the birth. Not so yesterday. In fact, I was kind of glad when it was over. It didn't help that the technician was a young guy with absolutely no personality.... certainly didn't have any maternal instincts that the ladies that I've always had in the past have had. In fact, he barely explained anything at all.
I shouldn't complain. After all, these strides in technology have only come recently. For centuries, women got by without anything at all, and didn't even dream there would ever be anything different. I will have to bide my time, and wait until I see my little one for real, which will be far better than any ultrasound any way.
We DID find out the gender... I was sort of amazed Mr. Ultrasound Man with ZERO personality was able to even come to any sort of conclusion. That alone was worth it, and I'm glad that we have avoided the months of wondering, as I explained in my previous post.
Therefore, we will have to savor all the photos we received from our baby's first ultrasound at 14 weeks. I was so wanting to see his/her face while a bit older now in 3D... but alas, it was not meant to be. If I had known how bad the technology was, I perhaps would have waited for my office to be available in April, but I had no idea. I am not one of those people that asks for repeat ultrasounds. No one knows how or if the technology can affect the baby, and I will only get ultrasounds that are necessary.
So, our little one, we'll wait instead to see your real face, which will be far better than a mere image. We love you, and we are waiting for you.