Brian's last day of school is one week from tomorrow, and then he has to lead the "Pomp & Circumstance" at graduation that following Saturday.
Then, he's done. Done, done, done!
He'll still work his second job this summer, but that is much more manageable and easier to deal with.
However, it feels as though we are crawling to the finish line. Brian is still recovering from work overload, and I am just trying to stay awake during the day. (Caleb's speech therapist was here yesterday, and truly, I couldn't keep my eyes open when I was on the couch at one point. This anemia is NO JOKE, but being in the third trimester takes some of the blame, too.)
Caleb is creating all sorts of battles these days, and throwing things in a rage is at the top of the list. I already fear for our second child's safety, so when the Sheriff (Daddy) is home this summer, this is one of the things he'll be tackling head-on. (Yes, we have been dealing with it already- tirelessly. But Caleb persists.) I truly wonder, when Daddy goes back to work, if I'll be able to run down to grab the laundry for a moment and leave Caleb alone with the baby. He clobbers the cat all the time... I'm not sure I'll be able to trust him.
Once July hits, oh boy, buckle your seat belts! The pace of activities, appointments, cleaning jobs, and baby preparation is going to be ridiculous. Some things we just won't get done because there isn't enough time. (Repainting the front steps, for example, which we just did last summer, but they chipped badly during the winter, seems like a dream.)
For now, I have to take a deep breath. We'll have to take each project, one at a time, and do our best.
This little baby is moving around within me all the time now. The movements are so defined, they are beyond a mere kick or elbow poke. Sometimes it is hard to fathom that there is a living thing within me... it is truly amazing. I remember after Caleb was born, I tucked him up into the fetal position on my lap, and tried to picture him in my belly. He seemed too big to ever fit there! It's one of life's most beautiful miracles.
Caleb sometimes reaches out to pat my belly. I have told him endlessly of the baby that lives there right now, but I really doubt he can fully understand. He's hardly seen any babies, for one. He has no clue about siblings to boot. But I get the sense that sometimes he knows something is in there, even if he isn't sure what.
It is hard to believe we will soon be a family of four. Four years ago this August, we were married. Four years later, we will be multiplied to four. While that isn't a large family by any means, it is still amazing. To us, at least!
So here's to the finish line, and whether we make it there by running, walking, or crawling, we'll get there!