It is a known fact that pregnant women have weird dreams. To be honest, I haven't remembered the majority of my dreams during this pregnancy, so I cannot attest to having weird dreams. Very early in this pregnancy, when it was too early to take the test, I dreamed that I was pregnant, but there haven't been too many very clear, real dreams since.
I have mentioned here more than once that I am worried about the timing of labor. After all, we have no one local to swoop in and take care of Caleb when the time comes to go to the hospital, and our hospital is 50 minutes away, so it isn't like Brian can handle both tasks. At 39 weeks, my mom will be here, but before that, yikes!
I dreamed last night that Caleb was here alone. (It wasn't during labor.) The dream found us in the middle of the situation, but Brian and I were down visiting my parents (which looked nothing like their place), when I woke up in the morning there and realized we had left Caleb back at our house- two and a half hours away! It was five in the morning, and I knew he'd be waking up just then, and I was terrified! I told Brian we have to go, NOW!
When I woke up and realized it was just a dream, I felt such relief. After all, I would never do such a thing. I don't even drive down the street to get the mail when Caleb is in his crib. The house could catch on fire in one minute- who knows? It isn't worth the risk. His life is far too precious.
When I went to pick up Caleb out of his crib, I explained to him the dream, and I said, "Don't worry; Mommy and Daddy would never do that to you."
It was interesting to have this dream, because it is obviously something I am very worried about. Even if I go into labor when my mom is here (Lord willing!), I am not thrilled to leave Caleb, because I have never done so, and none of us are used to it! He has never been babysat by anyone. Obviously, if we lived near families, we would have grandparents/aunts watch him at times while we dealt with doctor's appointments and whatnot. Not having that option means I am always with Caleb. Leaving him is definitely causing me anxiety, especially when I don't know how the timing of labor will work out.
To all you out there who live near your families: I am jealous. It is no fun to be isolated and alone.