Sunday, August 9, 2015

41 Weeks

The latest is this:

I have managed to pull my levels of amniotic fluid back up due to the gallon of water I have been drinking per day.

If I do not go into labor tonight or tomorrow, I will be seeing my midwife for a final check up at the office tomorrow afternoon.  Then, Brian and I will head to the hospital, where I will be given Cervidil, just as I was with Caleb.  This goes directly onto the cervix in the hopes of triggering labor to start.  If that doesn't work, Tuesday morning I will be given Pitocin.

I am definitely weary of being pregnant.  My back is killing me, I'm tired all the time, and enough is enough.  Forty-one weeks seems to be the point at which I've had enough, for both of my pregnancies.  I could barely sleep last night because my belly hurt in any position, and it wasn't due to labor pains!

Please pray for a smooth and uneventful labor.  Hopefully within the next couple of days, we will be kissing our baby's face!

Thank you!

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