This is just a brief update letting you know where we are at these days.
My due date was Sunday, so as of writing this I am 40 weeks, 5 days. I had an ultrasound yesterday and learned that my amniotic fluid was on the low side- 7.1- and if it goes under 6 it is clearly in danger zone, and I would immediately be induced.
I was told to go home and down water like there was no tomorrow, and if you know me at all, this is not an easy task. I have been trying my best, but I still have not reached a gallon today. Close, but still not quite. Still, it is more water than I have ever drank in one day ever before in life. I think that counts for something.
I have two more ultrasounds: one tomorrow, and if it is still needed, one more Monday morning. Both of these are to check the fluid level. If my level remains above a 6, they won't induce just yet, but if it goes below, I will be heading to the hospital immediately.
If I don't go into labor on my own, I will be induced Tuesday morning, first thing. My midwife already put me on the books for a 6:30 a.m. induction at the hospital.
It is so strange that this has happened to me AGAIN. Caleb was late, and my fluid was getting low, and I was induced with him exactly one week after the due date. In this case, if we wait until Tuesday, I will actually be induced one week and two days after my due date.
My poor mom came up here to support me/watch Caleb when we zipped off to the hospital. She took two weeks off of work. I have apologized to her over and over again, because she came up here for nothing. I haven't gone into labor, and she needs to get back to work. She won't even get to see the baby! All that time given up, for nothing.
Brian's mom is graciously heading here tomorrow to take her place. As my dad arrives to pick up my mom, Brian's dad will be dropping off his mom. We are so thankful she was willing to come here with such short notice. The good news is she won't have to wait around as long as my mom, because no matter what, the deadline is this Tuesday! (My midwife is heading out-of-town Wednesday, so she wanted to make sure the baby was here by then. I am more than grateful, because I am very ready to have this baby.)
So that's where we are at! We are praying for safe travels for both sets of parents as well as God's perfect timing for this baby's arrival. I am at peace with going on Tuesday, and I have sort of gotten used to the idea. Now that there is an "end date" so to speak, it makes this so much easier. I still could go, of course, before then, so all the better that we get Brian's mom down here as soon as can be. I am dreading labor, and the longer a woman must wait, the worse it becomes in her mind. Please keep me in prayer, if you remember it.
Stay tuned... and thank you for your prayers!