"I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of anything than of a book! When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library." ~ Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice (Quote appears on mug in picture below- gift from my sister for Christmas)
Our first Christmas spent together as a married couple, Brian gave me my very own Kindle. If you know us, we really aren't technology people. We have one laptop, and that's about it. No flat screen t.v.'s, no tablets, no iPhones... Brian has a pay-as-you-go phone, and my cell phone is pretty basic by today's ever-changing standards.
But one thing I have to have?
A Kindle.
I've had this one for three years now, and Brian has already given me permission in advance, that the instant it dies, I can immediately order a new one on Amazon. In fact, a few weeks ago, we thought the time had come. It was frozen for hours, but then all of a sudden, it began rebooting, and I don't believe I had anything to do with it. So we'll hold off on the new purchase for now.
I love to read. It goes without saying. After all, I did teach literature for five years. As a teacher, though, I didn't have much time to pleasure read. My time was spent grading papers, and staying fresh on the literature I had to teach. I didn't have time to go seek out new authors and see what's new out there.
That all changed after I got married, when I stopped teaching, and of course, when Brian bought me this Kindle. I've gotten tons of books for free (I have ways of finding free books), or deeply discounted, making the books way cheaper than buying a hard copy. I have easily several hundred books on here, and I could never fit them all in my house. (Side note: I hate taking books out of the library because I'm a germaphobe. I absolutely hate holding a book in my hands, especially in bed at night when I'm all tucked in, that who knows who has held before. Yuck. I never have to worry with my Kindle.)
Since having my Kindle, I've gotten to download the classics, such as Jane Austen, whose books I already have in hard copy, and I've gotten to explore contemporary authors. I have my favorites, but generally I stick to Christian authors who write about the late nineteenth century... both in England and the U.S.
When Caleb was young and I nursed him around the clock, my Kindle was my faithful companion. In those days, his nursing sessions were half an hour long, and while I did adore gazing at his sweet face, I did also enjoy using my Kindle... I only needed one hand to hold it and turn the page. Though I don't spend the same time nursing, and therefore, don't read as much as I did then, it is always with me. When I go to bed at night, it follows me. When I get up, it goes out with me to the kitchen. If Caleb wants to go and play in his bedroom (which, lately, is at least four times a day), I take my Kindle, so I can sit in his chair while he runs around.
As a stay-at-home mom, my world is very small. Living away from friends and family, makes it even smaller. I'm so grateful for the written word, which takes me on one adventure after another. Captivating descriptions and carefully crafted words stay with me, and they keep my mind sharp, long after the story is completed.
I am so thankful for my Kindle!