This mood came over me this morning as I was bustling about the kitchen... perhaps it was because I was watching "Love Comes Softly" and my heart broke in the beginning when Marty loses her husband. I got to thinking how much I love mine, and so this list began to form in my mind. Here are some of the things I love about my husband (of course there are more), and these are in no apparent order, mind you:
1) He's so fun, goofy, cheerful, and bright. Let's face it: I am the dull parent. I am grateful that Brian balances me out, and that Caleb doesn't have to endure two square pegs for parents. I have a hard time having fun, and I could write an entire blog post about that alone, but suffice it to say that I ALWAYS have housework on the brain. Even when my to-do list is done, other thoughts creep in, like the fact that my sock drawer really should be reorganized, and I feel completely out-of-balance until it is done. Brian is my opposite, and he brings a lightheartedness to our home that would not be here if he wasn't. (Side note: My nieces, though I know they love me, usually ask about Brian first. I don't take offense. He IS the cool one.)
2) Brian will watch my favorite shows with me. I hope he won't get mad at me for saying this. I love historical dramas, and I have the whole series of "Dr. Quinn" on DVD (most of it was passed down to me, not purchased); I love the "Love Comes Softly" series, and all Jane Austen books turned movies. He does not watch my Jane Austen stuff with me, but he does watch the rest of the above. Most husbands would grunt and say, "No way!", but my Brian took an interest because they are important to me. (For the record, I will watch things like the Super Bowl with him, because he is so good about watching things with me.)
3) He works hard for our family. I truly hate to see Brian busting his tail at two jobs. His first job as a music teacher is often like two jobs in one, with all the extra functions that he must attend. To boot, he teaches lessons at a music store, and he even has another private student beyond that. He works two evenings a week and some Saturdays, and I know it is very taxing. He works hard to keep me home with Caleb, simply due to the fact that we do not believe in day care raising our child. (Call us old-fashioned, but we both believe the mother's place is in the home. Gasp! Did I as a woman really say such a thing?)
4) He is an excellent financial planner. While we are both involved in figuring out where the money goes, Brian is the main planner. He is the brains behind our budget, and I follow through with what he says. He has an excellent head for math, and I'm really grateful that he's in charge.
5) He is generous. Brian is not stingy. When it comes to giving, Brian does not hold back, even if he knows we aren't being given the same amount in return.
6) Brian stands for his morals. He believes in the unchanging, timeless truths of Scripture, and he will stand up for what he believes, even if he standing alone.
7) He is godly, loving, kind, and a wonderful example for Caleb. I am so grateful that Caleb has such an awesome father to look up to. Caleb loves him so much already, and I know he'll only love him more as he gets older. Brian is one of the nicest people that I know, and I'm so glad he married me!
8) Being here with us is important to him. Of course, Brian has to go to work. Beyond that, he's here with us. He doesn't seek out other opportunities. He hurries home because he knows he's needed and wanted here.
9) He's smart. Honestly, I don't think I'm all that smart. Brian is a lot smarter than I am, and he can explain things to me that I simply don't understand. For example, I have no head for politics. I'll often let him read the news and ask him to reexplain it to me.
10) He stands by those he loves for life. Once Brian is your friend, you can't get rid of him. I'm thinking of James, Chris (though now they are brothers-in-law), and of course later buddies like Doug, Matt, and Aaron. I've seen so many people come and go from my life. That's just not so with Brian. He is a committed friend for life... how much more so is he committed to his own family!
11) One more thing to add: he's stable. What I mean here is that he isn't off and running, changing his mind on jobs or careers every other day. He's committed to his job and where we live, and we're not chasing after lofty dreams just because they look enticing.
Oh, and if I wanted to add another... he puts up with me! I'm sure there is some head-nodding here! I'm not the easiest person to live with. I am very structured, no-nonsense, particular in my ways... etc., etc., etc. Yet he puts up with me. Need I say more?
I'm so grateful that God gave me such a wonderful husband to lead our family. I pray that we get to grow old together, because I want him by my side for always!