Months ago, I wrote a blog post describing Caleb's and my routine for each day. It has definitely changed since then. He is older now and is changing at record speed, and of course, our routine must change too.
Here is how a typical day looks these days:
5:18- My alarm goes off. I try to beat Brian to the bathroom before he takes a shower, and yes, we do have two bathrooms, but stumbling downstairs first thing in the morning is not my idea of a good wake up. I can pretty easily beat Brian out of bed in the morning on any given day.
5:20- 5:30-5:45- Caleb gets up anywhere in this time frame, though it is usually on the early side. The boy just cannot sleep in, which is fine on the weekdays, but it would be nice to sleep in on weekends/vacations. I go and get him and bring him to our bed for his morning nursing session. (Yes, we are still nursing. At this rate, I'm hoping he'll be weaned by the time he graduates from high school. What can I say? I must have some amazing milk. Anyway, I have heard the average age to wean is 2 years old, so I guess we are right on track.)
6:00 or so- Check Caleb's overnight diaper and get him dressed for the day. I RARELY keep Caleb in his pj's. Since I have to check his diaper, it is simply easier to get him dressed right away. He's so fussy anyway, I'd rather just get it done first thing, plus it eliminates picking up yucky cat hair and getting it all over his jammies. (Those fleece jammies are magnets for everything.) After we head to the living room, Caleb tries to play with Daddy for a bit as he is getting ready for work. Daddy prays with Caleb and reads a Scripture before he leaves. I also throw in a load of laundry while Caleb is busy with Daddy.
6:30- We say goodbye to Daddy and count the hours until his return.
6:50- Caleb eats breakfast.
7:00- I might eat breakfast, if I'm in the mood for it. Time for me to get dressed, wash my face, brush my teeth, and brush Caleb's teeth. Try to make myself look somewhat presentable, but as a stay-at-home mom, I don't put all that much effort into the task. For the next hour or so, Caleb plays and I join him.
8:00- If we are running any errands, I usually do them now. Let's face it, now that it is winter, I go out VERY little. I just started going grocery shopping on Saturdays, alone, when Brian can stay home with Caleb. It was just getting to be too hard for me to carry Caleb up and down the stairs, plus all the groceries... I'd come home exhausted. Brian talked me into going on Saturdays, so that he can unload the car when I come home, thus saving me a lot of energy. I do miss bringing Caleb with me, though. He is always so good in the store, and he really enjoys it.
10:45- Prepare Caleb's lunch. I try to give him time to eat and let it digest a little before his nap time.
11:45- Wind down for nap. People look at me, I know, like I am crazy to have Caleb on such a strict schedule. I literally plan my day around his nap, and I know that I cannot go out too close to his nap time, or else he will sleep in the car, and I will never get him to sleep later in his crib, and car naps are always short and pathetic. I am a bit weary of the judgmental looks and comments I get from people, but I know my son better than anyone, and I know how even the little changes throw him off. Do I wish I didn't have to run my life around his schedule? Of course!! But I feel strongly that baby sleep is just as important as a meal. I wouldn't ever let him skip a meal, so why would I let him skip a nap, just because it is more convenient for me? Not all babies are the same, but unfortunately, Caleb is, and has always been, tough when it comes to sleep. All I can say is that I am doing my best, trying to give him my best, always.
12:00- Caleb is down for his nap, and I wash his diapers every other day at this time, and I eat lunch, and attend to any other chores that need doing. I used to wash Caleb's diapers at night, but I've been SOOO tired, practically falling asleep these days at 8:30 on Brian's shoulder, so I had to move the time for my own sanity.
1:30-2:00-2:30- Caleb wakes up. Your guess is as good as mine. Some naps are short; some are long. Whenever he wakes up, he nurses, then has a snack, then goes on to play.
2:30-2:45- Begin dinner prep.
3:30-4:00- If Daddy is coming home, he usually comes home at this time. (One day a week he works two jobs and doesn't come home until late.) Caleb hears the door, and is so excited. Brian must hurry to change out of his work clothes, because Caleb won't rest until he gets a ride on Daddy's shoulders.
4:30- Caleb eats dinner. We eat soon after, which is early, but I like to get dinner out of the way and cleaned up before we start Caleb's nighttime routine.
6:15- If it is a bath night, we begin to get Caleb ready for his bath.
6:40 or so, begin bedtime stories, Bible reading, final nursing, and prayers.
7:00 or so, Caleb is in bed, though I am thinking of moving his bedtime back a bit.
7:05- Last minute kitchen clean-up, wash Caleb's cups, etc.
7:15- I take my shower... how I miss showering in the morning, but with a toddler that gets up so early... IMPOSSIBLE!
7:30 or so- I finally get to relax a little. I am still on my feet a bit, preparing a treat or some hot drink for Brian and me. We might watch a movie, or I might read. Time to unwind a bit.
8:30- I often find myself nodding off these days on Brian's shoulder. I have been so tired. If I'm still awake, I try to hold off until 9 to head to the bedroom, where like to read a bit more, comfy and cozy under the covers.
9:45 or so- Bedtime after Bible reading and prayers, if I haven't drifted off before then. I always check on Caleb one last time, no matter how exhausted I am.
That's what our day looks like!