Though it was not without its hard times, overall, this has been a wonderful summer.
For all of the things I don't have: family that lives close by, a job for my husband that is close to home, the convenience of stores being close by, peace and serenity when I walk into my yard without worrying about a bear coming by, I do have one thing that makes it all worthwhile.
My husband is home in the summer.
That one thing keeps me going on the hard days. Seriously.
It has been amazing to have him home. There is nothing like the summer for us. Brian is much more relaxed than he is normally in the evenings or on the weekends simply because his work is behind him. He is at rest. Other than his (very) part-time second job, he is all ours.
We've done a lot this summer. We've been to two different zoos. We traveled to my family twice (only for doctor appointments, in fact, one of the visits I didn't even see my brother and sister). We also went to NY to say goodbye to Brian's sister who was moving. The park was visited a number of times, in fact, we went to several different parks. We brought the boys to the lake to play in the water a couple of times. Brian got to take Caleb to a concert (it was too late in the day for Silas). We went to the mall (an hour away, so it is a big deal) just this past Monday. Oh, and we went to the library a few times.
It was so fun to get out, especially after Caleb, Silas, and I were trapped during the year due to my driving ban. It was tricky getting out with Silas, because unlike Caleb two years ago, Silas's naps are still a mess. I try very hard to stick to the "schedule", but we had trouble this summer for the sake of getting out. With Caleb two years ago, he had a great first nap at the same time every single day, we did our going out after his nap, and we came home in time for his second nap. He never slept in the car, and it was wonderful. Not so much with Silas.
Brian and I attacked some cleaning that we don't normally do, namely, downstairs. We worked side-by-side on many things, and he even graciously used his muscles to scrub the tub for me when I was cleaning the bathroom, because I am going to take advantage of additional arm strength when I have it.
It has also been so good for our marriage to have Brian home. You would think we'd be sick of each other, but we are not. I love being with Brian and doing things as a family. As I said before, when Brian isn't working, it brings a different level to our marriage. There is no job to occupy his thoughts and no worries to deal with at the workplace. He is also better able to identify with me here, although it isn't the same when he is gone.
Like all good things, this summer must, too, come to an end. I am having a harder time letting it go than usual. Perhaps it is because my boys are both difficult in their own ways. This truly is the hardest time for us, as Silas's delays have recently unfolded, and now we have two boys who are developmentally behind. More than the delays, though, it is the attitude. Meltdowns abound in this house. Having my partner with me makes it so much easier.
Most of all, I'll miss seeing Brian with the boys, all the time. He is such a fun, loving daddy. He is also the perfect counterpart to me. I'm the ever diligent one, the boring one, the one who is always squeezing in a chore when possible. Daddy is the laidback, silly, goofy one. Don't get me wrong. He is also the stern one. I need him, more than he knows.
We'll miss you, Daddy! But we'll always be here, waiting for you at the end of the day, with a hot meal on the table.
I love you, darling!