Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Silas: Twelve Months

Dear Silas,

I remember one year ago today pretty well.  I was already overdue with you eight days, and I was more than ready for you to come out.  I began having small contractions throughout the day, but I was in disbelief and I didn't really think I was in labor.  Daddy and I had one last appointment with my midwife near the hospital, and thinking we probably would not come back home, we packed our car and said goodbye to Caleb.  I cried after we left him with Grammy, because it was the first time we left him behind.

We saw my midwife, and she didn't think we were in active labor yet, either.  I remember clearly how she was trying to decide what to do.  Should she send us home, almost an hour away?  She decided to get us checked into the hospital.  She gave me some homeopathic treatments that might help jump start labor, and she told us she'd meet us there.

We grabbed dinner, and then headed for the hospital.  Right after we were settled in a room, labor began to come on strong.  When my midwife came to check on me, she was surprised to see things taking off as they were.  You were on your way!  And four hours later, you were born!

Here we are, one year later.  How does time go so fast?  I think it goes even faster for parents of babies under one, because there is so much change in that first year.

You are a fussy little boy.  Some mornings (like this one), I can't seem to do anything to make you happy, and you want to nurse so frequently I feel like it is all I do.  However, I know that this, too, shall pass, and I need to remember that even when it is hard.

You love to laugh and be tickled!  You have a wonderful laugh, and sometimes Caleb can get you laughing, just by looking at you.

You've been cruising around while holding onto furniture, for sometime now.  You are not yet ready for independent steps, but I think it'll be in the next couple of months.  As for talking, you say "mama" clearly, and here and there you call out for me.

The piano is one of your favorite things, and you bounce up and down to the rhythm of the music that is pre-programmed.  It is too cute!

You seem to really like books, though as you have been more on the go, I've had a bit of a harder time trying to read them to you.  You love your naptime books, where you have no choice but to be still!

You still are not doing any kind of self-feeding.  You won't let me give you a water bottle, either.  To say that I am concerned about this is an understatement.  Regardless of what happens, we will love you and walk down this road with you.

It has been fun bringing you and Caleb out more this summer!  You love the swing, and I don't hear any fussing from you when you are on it.  When we went to the lake down the street, you at first didn't want to be in the water, but when I pulled you in my lap and held you close, you loved it!  Your life jacket was another story, as it kept creeping up onto your face, and I had to chuck it and keep an iron grip on you.  (For readers, we were in the very shallow part of the water, right near the lifeguard.)

Nursing is still a favorite activity of yours.  I nursed your brother until just over two years old, when I was making way for your arrival.  It broke my heart to end that part of our relationship.  I'm not sure yet how long you will go, but you are by no means ready to stop any time soon.  My little man, I will continue to be here for you.

I love you, sweetheart.  You often cry when I leave the room, and I plan to remind you of this when you are a teenager :)  I am sure that in time, Daddy will be the best thing ever, but right now, you are still a mama's boy.  I received your weekly Baby Center update today, and for the first time it said "Your Toddler This Week", and I have to admit, it made me sad.  You are still my baby, despite what the calendar says.

Happy Birthday, my dearest boy!  I love you so much!

Your mama