I mentioned in my last post that I am sick. Unfortunately, nothing has changed here.
Brian called out of his second job on Saturday so he could be home to help me. He called out of work Monday and Tuesday, and came home early yesterday. Today he is back for the full day, but he is calling out of his second job tonight.
Tomorrow I am on my own- the whole day- as Brian has a band event at his school in the evening.
Saturday we will have to wait to see if I need him or not.
Does all this sound extreme?
I rarely get sick like this. Aside from the typical cold, I don't usually get these kinds of debilitating, must stay-in-bed types of illnesses.
That is where I should be now.
But life goes on. I have a toddler to take care of, and I have realized since entering toddler hood, that they are the most demanding creatures on earth to care for. I was sick when Caleb was two weeks old, and I thought that was hard. That was nothing! Toddlers are constantly on the go, constantly demanding a new snack, a new DVD, and run around the room instead of coming to you when it is time for a new diaper. They are too little to understand the fact that mommy is weak, tired, and about to collapse. While I was in bed the other day when Brian was home, Caleb was still coming to me, bringing his snack cup, wanting a replenishment.
It's been a while in which I've felt like myself. December brought morning sickness and fatigue, and the fatigue continued into January. I started to feel better in February, but then we all got sick for a few days. I thought we were past it, ready to move on, but by the end of February, sickness invaded our home once again, taking Brian down first. I seemed to get it the worst of all, and I just can't seem to shake my symptoms... no doubt because I don't have an antibiotic to speed things along.
The second trimester is supposed to be the best, when mommies feel the most refreshed and energetic. Not so much for me this year!
I am just grateful that the baby is coming in August and not sooner. I still have so much I want to do as far as cleaning and organizing, and I can't do any of it right now.
If you are reading this, I sure could use your prayers for a speedy recovery. I am writing this blog as a break of sorts... needing to sit down after preparing breakfast for Caleb and me. But it is time to get up, brush our teeth, and get a fresh diaper on a little boy who will be difficult to corral.
I will need to sit down when that's all done.
**The one good thing about all of this? Since staying in bed more, I've gotten to feel our baby's movements. Slowing down and being still really helps, especially this early on. Already, Baby feels very active!