Monday, March 9, 2015

Times When It's Especially Hard Being Away From Family

So I'm writing this as my head feels like it is detached from my body.  I am sick; Caleb is still mildly sick; and Brian is getting over his sinus infection.

Brian took off last Monday due to his own health (after sleeping most of the weekend), before Caleb and I had gotten sick.  Then, Caleb started with a mild cough and slowly got worse, and we brought him to the doctor's last Wednesday. I started to fall apart on Thursday, struggling because Brian didn't come home either Thursday night nor Friday night due to work obligations.  So it was sick mama + sick toddler, without any help- all day and all evening long.

I've continued to fall apart since then, as Caleb slowly improved.  Today, Brian was forced to call out because I simply cannot take care of anyone else by myself.

These are the times when it is hard being here on our own.  How I wish I could call my mom!  She'd come right over, stroke my forehead with her hand, and just be my mom.  She'd clean up the kitchen counters, look after Caleb, and force me to relax.

As it is looking right now, Brian will have to call out tomorrow.  Brian took me to emergency care today, and I was treated for a viral infection, but later in the day developed a pretty strong wheezing (which is usually indicative of bronchitis).  I called the doctor back to let him know, and he called in an inhaler for me at the pharmacy.  I am limited to what antibiotics I can have due to 1)pregnancy 2) nursing (even though it is very, very minimal) and 3) the fact that I am allergic to four main antibiotics.  I walked away today with only ear drops and an inhaler as my defense mechanisms.

So at this rate, we are wondering when in the world Brian will be able to go back to work, because without an antibiotic, it will take me that much longer to heal.

Then to add to the drama of the day, Caleb developed a rash- a clear sign of allergy to his antibiotic, thus taking after his mommy.

My house is a mess, I feel horrible, I'm not cooking any meals, and we are surviving on take out.

How I miss my own mother at times like this.