Since we are faced with a Winter Weather Advisory tomorrow from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., I begrudgingly called my doctor's office and canceled the ultrasound I had scheduled for 3 p.m.
We had been looking forward to this for the past couple of weeks.
My office is so booked that I cannot get in until April, so I had to schedule my ultrasound at the hospital instead.
What's the big deal if we have a delay? Well, when you are an expectant parent, it is a big deal! It's been a month since my last prenatal visit, and my next regular appointment isn't until next week since my midwife is away this week, when I am actually due. I am anxious for a healthy update on my little one. (There's nothing like hearing that heartbeat!)
Also, though this is important for only Brian and me at this point, we are finding out the gender this time around. However, we are keeping it to ourselves. Why? We have a reason, but we are keeping that reason to ourselves as well. (Gosh, aren't we secretive? Frankly, we can't help it.)
I was always a big believer in surprise births. I sort of scoffed at finding out the gender beforehand. Why ruin such a wonderful, glorious surprise? For me, it is pretty simple. We are both hoping for a girl pretty badly. I have always wanted a girl. Having both a mother and a sister that I am close to, and now I live far from, I would love to have a little girl with whom to cook, shop, crochet, etc. Also, when your son leaves, he leaves. But your daughter you have forever. (I talk to my mom just about everyday. Men don't care for that kind of daily connection, and frankly, don't need it. It is different with women.)
I don't want to go through the pregnancy hoping and picturing a girl (as I sort of already am), and then have Brian announce, "It's a boy" and to welcome him into the world with any kind of disappointment. That is why I want to know up front. If our little one is a boy, I want to know, so I have the time now to get over my disappointment. Not that I will be disappointed IN HIM, you understand. But since this is most likely our last baby, this is the last chance we have for a girl. I would mourn the loss of a girl, not the addition of another boy. (I love my Caleb tremendously, and I would love another boy, too.)
I've already warned my mom and sister not to fish for any information... I will not let on either way, though I'm sure they are wishing I'd let them in on the news. (Although, the joke could be on us and Baby might not cooperate during the ultrasound, and we might not find out anyway.)
So winter is going to have one last party tomorrow, on the first day of spring. He's put a damper on our plans, that's for sure.
But we won't let him win. Spring is coming, and there is nothing winter can do about it.
(Thank goodness my baby is coming in the summer, and not the winter. With a long drive to the hospital, and as many snow storms we've had, I'm just relieved that's something we won't have to battle. All we'll have to worry about is a thunderstorm. Thank you, Lord!)