Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's Day With The One I Love

Brian and I had a wonderful Valentine's Day together.  It began in the morning with a card I had ready for him at breakfast.

All day I looked forward to Brian's return from work.  When he came home I had presents waiting for him.

I got him a tan sweater vest.  (I LOVE sweater vests for men and I have gotten three for Brian since being married and I got him one or two while dating.)  Thankfully, he likes them, too.

I also got him the movie "Courageous", which is a Christian movie about the responsibilities of fatherhood, and I got him the first season of "The Andy Griffith Show", which he also loves.  (I think I really surprised him there!)

He bought me some delicious chocolates from a homemade candy shop downtown, and he also got me a beautiful pair of ruby earrings (which I forgot to photograph).  I don't deserve them, and he is too good to me.

We went to dinner at a Chinese restaurant that Brian picked out.  The food was fantastic.  We rarely go out to eat because cooking at home is much cheaper, so this was a treat.  I dressed up a little and Brian kept his nice work clothes on, and I have to say we looked pretty good!

This was our third Valentine's Day together as a couple, but the best by far.  There is something about being married which gives one security and confidence.  I could enjoy Valentine's Day while thinking to myself, "This really is my Valentine. He's not just my Valentine for the day; he's my Valentine every day, and I get to enjoy him all my days." And you know what?  I wouldn't trade him for anything.

I love you, my darling!

(I'm not sure what was going on with the lighting here.)