Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Spring Break in NJ

Brian and I headed to my home last week for Easter.  It was my first Easter home in three years, because the last two I had headed northwest to visit Brian.  It was nice to celebrate Easter again with my family.

My mom and I labored the day before on two pies (apple and strawberry- sadly rhubarb wasn't in the stores yet).  Then on Sunday we went to my sister's.  It was really wonderful to see my nieces and nephews again.  Lindsey has entered a cuddly stage, and I was more than happy to oblige.  Emily is becoming quite the little lady, and the boys have grown these adorable tufts of hair... so cute.  I really could have kidnapped them all and taken them back here.  But alas, we have no room for them.

Easter Sunday was truly a great day... until a scare sent my mom to the ER later that night.  At about 10:30, my mom's back pains (which she thought just were back pains) became excruciating, and so we decided to head for the ER, with minds full of fears.  I guess back pains can indicate a heart attack, so I was whispering unintelligible, two or three word prayers to God the entire ride to the hospital.  "God, help!"  "Lord, heal her." Brian, bless his heart, did a great job speedily navigating my mother's vehicle on the dark streets that he is unfamiliar with.  I was too nervous and so glad he was there to drive.

As it turned out, my mom had a gall stone.  She was released several hours later after receiving pain meds, and I think we were all safely in bed by three.  She may still need surgery, but she is still going through some testing.

It was so difficult watching my mom in that much pain, but I was so thankful to be there with her and that it happened when we were home with her.  Isn't God good?

But, I'm getting a little tired of my trips home involving hospital visits.  It seems like everyone was healthy before I left.  I moved away and my first visit home was to see my dad in the hospital on the brink of triple bypass.  Then this happened with my mom.  When I say that I am tired, I merely mean that I hate watching my parents get older.  It makes me realize they will not be around forever, a thought I'd care not to think at all, but must.

This visit home hit me hard.  I'm not sure what it was- perhaps it was because my mom had to go to the ER- I really don't know, but I cried when we left.  As we were pulling away, my niece Emily was at the door, waving until she could see us no more.  When I blew a kiss, she blew one back, and I looked at her and she looked at us until our car turned the corner.  I think it is just a combination of things- feeling like I'm always missing something now- that made me lose it.  And lose it I did.  Brian held my hand and comforted me; you would have thought I was leaving home for the first time.

I love my husband dearly, and I would follow him anywhere.  He is my partner for life.  But I wouldn't be me if I didn't feel the pain of being separated from my family.

Me and my cutie nephews.  Looking at the picture, I'm not sure which one is which, though I can tell them apart in person.  I went just about weak in the knees to see them in their matching sweater vests.  
My girls are growing up too fast.
Uncle Brian was coerced into playing hopscotch. (That's my lovely sister in the background- not me.  I guess to some we can look alike at times.)
Before we left, Lindsey found Uncle Brian's shirt to be a great place to put her stickers.
They remained there throughout the drive home.