Monday, March 16, 2015

Pregnancy: Halfway Mark

Can you believe it?  Yesterday, I reached twenty weeks!

Pregnancy is so different the second time around.  With the first, your unborn child is your every thought.  You are counting down the months and the weeks until the due date.  You are making plans and to-do lists galore.  You cannot wait to hold your baby in your arms.

For me, with the second, it is different.  While certainly there is some of the above, it just isn't as much so, obviously due to Caleb.  He is here, and he is now.  He demands my time and attention. While I do think of the babe in my womb constantly, it is just... different than when I was carrying Caleb.  While I can't wait to meet him or her, I am more patient this time.  I guess that is because I know how fast it all goes.  August will come soon enough.

As far as "nesting", I do have that quality, but so far, due to morning sickness, fatigue, and then the virus is that is finally starting to give me a reprieve, I haven't gotten much done.  I am hoping that over the next few months, I'll be able to get a lot more accomplished.

It is also strange to think about loving another child as I love my Caleb.  I know I will!  But I think a lot of people have this problem when awaiting their second child.  You are so used to having one to dote on, that the thought of having two feels strange.  I think once people have two, a third on the way is no longer a weird idea.

This Friday is our second and final ultrasound, unless of course, an ultrasound is needed at a later date for health/safety concerns.  Brian will be taking off of work early so we can take the hour drive, along with Caleb, and head near the hospital where the office is located.

I've been feeling Baby move more and more, and it is a comfort to me to know he/she is doing all right.  We panic as mothers so easily.  For example, if I wake up in the middle of the night on my back (a pregnant woman is not supposed to sleep on her back because it cuts off a major artery that goes to the baby), I immediately think something horrific has happened.  (Sometimes today we have TOO MUCH information.)

I love going to my prenatal appointments, which are usually very brief, and hearing the baby's heartbeat.  To have those few seconds in which I can hear my baby- it is beautiful indeed.

We love this little one already.  We are so excited to be a family of four.  We are excited to see how the family dynamics will change with two adults and two children.  Caleb will have to get used to no longer being Numero Uno, but it will be a good thing in the long run.  He is so used to having Mommy's full attention, all day long.  This will be hardest on him most of all, but a blessing to learn how to share, and to realize the world doesn't revolve around "me" only.  (Really, is there no better way to learn this than having a sibling?)

I am definitely bigger this time around.  My sister assures me that it is due to the fact that the uterus is already stretched out.  Truth be told, my appetite has waned lately, due to sickness, so I know I am not overeating.  (By the way, if I look awful in the photo, I am still getting over this dreadful virus.)

We can't wait to see our baby in 3D (and 4D) this Friday!