Sunday, August 2, 2015

40 Weeks

Couldn't let the day go by without a pregnancy photo on my due date!  Of course, as we all know, due dates mean nothing to the baby!

Brian and Caleb both have a stomach bug, so that has made our time of waiting a bit more dramatic. I am glad to be spared the torture myself, because I have enough discomforts already.

I am tired.... I feel like I could sleep for ten years if only given the chance.

Since I was induced with Caleb one week after the due date, and he was born one day after that, I was hoping this baby would surprise us all by coming a wee bit early or on the due date.  It makes the waiting game a bit easier, I think.

I keep reminding myself that somewhere in the next two weeks, this baby will come.  After all, they don't let women go beyond 42 weeks.

Needless to say, I am beyond ready to have my fears, worries, and anxieties all resolved nicely in the form of a cute little bundle in my arms.  One of these days.... stay tuned.