Tuesday, February 26, 2013

30 Weeks

I am now at thirty weeks.  Crazy, right?  Just before Christmas, I was at twenty weeks, and to think that ten weeks have just gone by makes my head spin.  There are only ten weeks to go, give or take when Baby actually decides it is time to delight Brian and me with his/her entrance into our world.

I have long since developed the ever-graceful pregnancy waddle.  New pains pop up here and there, including a ridiculously severe pain in my left heel.  Since I don't normally have any problems in that quarter, I'm guessing that due to the extra weight, my body is retaliating against me.  Sleeping is becoming a chore.  I long for regular clothes again, and while I was skinny just this past August and September, I wonder if I will ever be again!

Along with the third trimester, comes the insatiable nesting factor.  For me, it isn't just about organizing the baby's room.  I'm trying to organize every room and everything that we haven't already done since we moved.  I'm going through all the closets and reorganizing them, and I have a pile of things that I need to look through to decide what to keep and toss.  The baby's room is sort of on hold, because my old bedroom furniture, which will be the baby's, is in the garage, so we'll wait to get that out for now.  I won't have a crib until after the baby gets here, so there is just not much I can do in that area.  For now, I have to organize Baby's things without drawers and do the best I can.

Last week, I was sitting in the eye doctor's office, and a little girl of three years old took a liking to me and sat beside me.  I had my winter coat unzipped and my hand on my belly.  This little girl's father walked into the room and said, "Oh, a mother-to-be, getting some practice!"  It was the FIRST time anyone in public has recognized me as being pregnant without me mentioning it, no doubt due to the giveaway hand on my belly.  Normally my winter coat has me well concealed.  Then another, older lady came out of the exam room, looked at this man's children, and lamented that her kids were all grown.  She was wishing they were still small.  I took it all in, and while I don't think she realized I was pregnant, she caused me to pause and think how quickly we move through life. Someday I will remember, perhaps twenty years from now, this moment in the eye doctor's office, when I was on the threshold of the birth of my first child, with all the joyful anticipation my heart could hold.  I know that some of the best moments of our lives await me and Brian... those first few moments of holding our baby in our arms.  How wonderful!