Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Getting Closer

I just came back from getting the mail, and my parents were so sweet to send me my first Mother's Day card, with the words, "Even if your baby doesn't arrive by May 12, you are still a mother."  It definitely brought a smile to my face at a time when I am longing to hold my little one.

Brian and I are anxiously waiting for the first labor pains.  In fact, I certainly must have gotten Brian's heart rate going today because I had to call him at work.  I left early this morning for an ultrasound, primarily to check my amniotic fluid.  I was given the news that it was rather low, not quite in the dangerous category, but low enough for concern.  Though I didn't have any further appointments, I was sent to be examined by one of the midwives, who began mentioning the possibility of being induced by the end of this week or early next week.  She then sent me to the hospital for a nonstress test, which basically monitors the fetal heart rate.

The good news is that Baby passed the test with flying colors, and there was no concern there whatsoever.  The other piece of good news is that this test revealed that I am, in fact, having contractions; they are just so mild that I don't even feel them.  (Oh, wouldn't it be nice if all of labor was like that?)

I was sent home with instructions to drink water like there's no tomorrow, and to try to get some rest and not over-exert myself.  (It sounds like they've been talking to my mom, who says that all I do is clean.)  The midwife who examined me today and my regular midwife will be discussing the situation, and tomorrow I am to call and hear their conclusions.

My feeling at this point is to wait it out.  The nurse who took my nonstress test was extremely encouraging, and told me that though my fluid is low, it is by no means a desperate situation.  It is far better to let the body go on its own than to be induced, unless of course, it is absolutely essential for the health of the baby.  Since Baby is doing fine, it seems okay to wait- for now.

If I am to be induced, that would rule out a water birth right there, something I have really wanted. Having a low fluid level also might rule it out, but the nurse encouraged me not to give up on the idea, and she said they can give me an IV of fluids before I enter the tub.

I was a little nervous today hearing all this news, but now that I have had time to process it, I feel a bit better.  I know that I don't want to be induced unless I absolutely have to be, and I can easily request another ultrasound to recheck my fluid before I commit to being induced.  If it were at a dangerous level, yes, in a heartbeat, I would be induced.  My baby's well-being is far more important! But if Baby is doing all right, I would rather my body decide when it is time for labor to begin.

I am hoping and praying that I might go into labor within the next couple of days so we can avoid further drama about the concern over my amniotic fluid.  If I go too much longer, I know they probably will want to induce me.  My body is getting ready; hopefully it will happen soon.