Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas 2013

Our Christmas plans this year originally had us scheduled to be in NJ with my family, but my back was giving me major grief, so we stayed home and traveled after Christmas instead.  I was disappointed at first, but I was happy to have Christmas at our own house for the first time.

Caleb was too distracted by Pocono at first to be interested in his presents.  I have photographic evidence of this, but unfortunately, I am in the photos wearing my bathrobe, and if you think I would put photos of myself in my bathrobe on the internet, you don't know me at all.

At last, we got him interested, and he did a fairly good job of opening some of the paper.  Most of the gifts he really could care less about at this point.  It seems that one toy my sister gave him two days after Christmas was a hit, and a set of three sensory balls that we put in his stocking are also enjoyed.

It was a really peaceful, relaxing, quiet Christmas in our own cozy home.  I missed gathering with my family, but I can't complain about Christmas with my two best guys.  (Oh, and the cat, too.)