Thursday, May 14, 2015

Caleb: Two Years

My dear sweet Caleb,

Happy Birthday, my big boy!  I'm afraid to close my eyes for a moment for fear of missing you grow. I know that all too quickly, my precious little love will disappear.  If I turn my head for a second, I might turn back to see my toddler all gone, but instead, a young man, dressed in a cap and gown.  If I fall asleep on my watch, I'll wake up to see a tall, handsome man, standing at the front of a church, waiting for his bride.  Before we know it, I'll be watching you welcome your own child into this world.

Though I know full well that you'll grow all too quickly, today I am enjoying the fact that you are still my little boy. And I wouldn't change that for anything.  Your hugs, kisses, and snuggles make me melt into a puddle.  I am so blessed to be the foremost recipient of them.  Your affectionate side has grown so much these past few months, much to my delight.

Of course, I have to take the bad with the good.  You have plenty of tantrums, and I have either been hit by or I've dodged a flying object, many a time.  Daddy and I are trying to straighten you out, and my little man- you will be straightened out.

You are such a smart boy.  I see your memory developing more and more.  You are behind on some things now (still not talking, nor feeding yourself with a spoon or fork), but I know you will catch up. I long to hear you say your first word, and I can't wait to someday hear, "I love you, Mommy."  For now, I have to let your actions tell me that you do.

You love life.  When I take out your shoes, you know Mommy is bringing you somewhere, and you get all ready, standing with your caterpillar (which you can't go anywhere without), waiting for me to get your shoes on.  You love the swing at the park.  You love it basically anywhere when we allow you to walk instead of put you into the stroller or shopping cart.

You absolutely love your daddy.  We make a big deal, you and me, when Daddy comes home.  You love it when he gives you a ride on his shoulders.  He's your best playmate and pal, but he's also your number one earthly authority.  He wants the best for you, and for you to grow to be a godly man one day.

You still love cheese, and now you love cheese doodles.  When Mommy comes home from the grocery store, you have come to expect a few cheese doodles on a napkin to come your way.  You still love scrambled eggs, which is your favorite breakfast, though you love yogurt, pancakes, and waffles, too.  (Breakfast is by far the easiest, least fussiest meal I prepare for you.  Dinner is another story.)

You are Mommy's helper.  You absolutely love it when I vacuum and dust.  When I vacuum, you follow me around, pushing your scooter and mimicking my movements.  Anytime that I do anything that resembles dusting, like wiping down counters with a cloth, you grab your dust rags and try to help me as best you can.  You are going to be Mommy's chore companion, that's for sure!

Your daddy and I adore you.  Sure, being a stay-at-home mom is not always easy.  Sometimes, it is downright hard.  But life with you is so rich and meaningful, we would never want to experience life without you.  In a couple of months, you'll be sharing the attention that you are used to receiving full-time with your baby brother/sister.  (We've told you the gender, but not the readers of this blog!)  It will be an adjustment for you, but our love for you won't diminish any just because there's a baby around. One day down the road, you'll appreciate having a sibling, even if you don't like it at first.

I love you, my sweet boy!  More than you will ever, ever know.  A mother's love knows no end.

Happy Birthday, my boy!


I realize these aren't the greatest pictures.  I am still trying to get used to the camera on my new phone, since my actual camera died.  Hang in there until we buy ourselves a new camera... hopefully before the baby is born!