Sunday, July 19, 2015

Church Baby Shower

Our church very graciously threw us a baby shower/barbecue yesterday, in honor of our second child's upcoming birth.  This was very kind of them, considering it is our second child, and of course, there isn't tons we need. Little things here and there, yes, but not a lot.

It was a nice time of fellowship, even though it was very, very hot.  The shower was meant to be outside at a state park, but since it downpoured in the morning, a family from church spontaneously opened their home, which was beyond nice of them.

I always, always, always feel awkward opening gifts in front of people, especially people I do not know VERY well.  I hate being the center of attention, too.  I was glad that Caleb was busy pounding on the balloons attached to my chair, and I was hoping that took some of the spotlight off of me. Wouldn't you rather look at a cute toddler then a woman appearing as though she swallowed a watermelon whole?  Yes, I figured.

I got tons of disposable size one diapers.  I guess they are not aware that I primarily use cloth. (Don't worry- no one from church knows about this blog, and our last name is not attached to it.  I did that on purpose since Brian is a teacher.)  I do like to use some disposables in the beginning because, let's face it, newborns are going pretty much all the time, and it just makes it a bit easier early on when mama is exhausted.  However, I received way more diapers than I will probably use, so perhaps I will donate the rest.

It was a fun time with our church family, who has been very good to us.  I truly think more than wanting to give us gifts, it was a time to simply celebrate a new life about to come into the world. What a blessing, and what a joy!