Friday, August 29, 2014

Caleb Feeds Mommy

The tides have turned, folks.  There's a change in the air.  From now on, Caleb will be feeding Mommy while I put my feet up and relax.

Caleb was finishing up his watermelon this evening, and he stuck his hand out toward me with a piece in it.  He's done this before, and though I've come in close for it, it's never amounted to anything.  Today, however, when I stuck my mouth close, Caleb actually got the piece in.  And he did it again.  And again.  And again.  His watermelon was almost gone, and he was grabbing even at the tiniest scraps to try to put them into my mouth.  We were both laughing uproariously!  I motioned to his graham crackers, and when he realized he could put those in my mouth, too, he did so, and with zest!  He just wouldn't quit until he had fed me all!

It is so fun to see this little human being growing by the minute!  A couple of weeks ago, I cut my finger pretty badly while making dinner, and at first I let out a yelp.  While Brian ran for band-aids, Caleb very gently put his hand on my leg as if to give moral support while he looked up at me, watching my every move.  Then, when the pain really started to set in, I couldn't hold back the crying.  Caleb immediately began to cry, too.  Once Brian put the band-aid on my finger, I had to scoop Caleb up and comfort him.

Toddlers are a lot of work, but they sure are worth it!